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Thirty First of December, 2020

Almost like a fever dream, 2020 rolled around and 2021 was right around the corner. This time around Amelia chose to spend it with her grandparents. She got to baking her famous brownies along with a few cinnamon rolls here and there and set up a living room to make it feel cosy. It was even better that it was snowing.

She left the curtains open and dragged her two favourite people to watch a few movies before they retired for the year. She stayed snuggled in between the both of them as Home Alone played on the telly in front of them.

She truly missed moments like these and loved how despite being 30, she could act like she was 15 or 10 all over again when she was with them. Sometimes she'd often forget that her grandmother was the queen, especially in moments like these. She loved them dearly.

It didn't take long for her to fall asleep leaning on Philip as Elizabeth draped a blanket on top of her. The couple smiled at the girl.

"I sometimes fear for her Philip, I would hate to leave her alone."

"Let's not think about death now okay? We still have a long way to go it seems. She's going to be fine, she's grown up quite well especially since she's done so in your care."

"Oh I know but I'd rather have her possibly married. I know she'd need someone to hold on to when the going gets tough and in a scenario where we're not here... I just, I can't help but feel like I'm betraying her."

Philip smiled at his wife before leaning over to lay a kiss on her forehead. His hand caressed her face as Elizabeth leaned into his touch.

"Everything will be fine cabbage, it will work out in the end. You know I walked in on her and Catherine talking, I think she has her eyes set on someone."

"Does she?"

"She hasn't given me the details yet but I know eventually she will, she always does. I think he's good for her too seeing as she keeps on smiling and hasn't stopped in the past few weeks."

"If he's making her happy then that is all that matters."

"Your little Eve might have just found love. I know eventually, she'll speak about it but for now, let's let her navigate it for herself."

"As long as it's not someone like Arnold. Gosh, I hated that boy."

"Who's Arnold?"

"The boy she brought to her 21st birthday. They had been course mates and they decided to date for a while remember? Or are you getting too old to process it?"

"You're acting like you're not old yourself cabbage."

"I am not, I am very much still in my prime."

"If your prime is barely being able to walk then go ahead." Elizabeth just scoffed at his comment with a smile on her face before leaning into him as well. The three of them fit together like a puzzle, three peas in a pod.

It didn't need a magician to tell that Lewis' mood had completely changed after that date. He was happier and more upbeat. To him, he almost made the comparison of the joy he felt between winning his seventh title or going out with her before he shut himself up. Everyone could see the change in his mood and with the new season coming up, he was so confident that he could beat Schumacher's record by the time Abu Dhabi came around.

This year truly felt like a year of wins even though it had just begun. Almost like a fever dream, he found himself wandering the streets of London after his early morning run in the snow. He felt like that French quote, La Vie en rose, seeing the world through rose-coloured glasses. He was on top of the world.

When he finally got back home, his mum was sitting on his couch watching the telly before she glanced up to look at her son.

"Oh my sweet boy, I woke up this morning and was wondering where you had disappeared to and oh, you're all sweaty." He placed a kiss on her forehead before taking off his jacket

"Mum, I literally left a note on the fridge."

"Did you? Well, I didn't see it." He shook his head and smiled

"Well, I'm off to take a shower. I'll be back in a bit." And so he went and washed up, changing into blue sweats before going back down to snuggle with his mother.

Lewis has always been his mother's boy after his father, his mother was his everything. They talked about a lot of things. Life and death, the races, her life without him being around most of the time, and much more.

"So do tell me about this girl that has my son doing the most."

"Mum, it's nothing."

"You haven't stopped smiling ever since you arrived in London and I know it's not the WDC because you won it before the season even ended. Why won't you tell me?"

"Because it's not really official and we don't know if we're going to do long distance or not and we're both very busy, I don't know if it'll work."

"Can I at least know her name?"



"Yes mum, Amelia."

"Well if Amelia is making my son happy that's all that matters to me. About time you settled down and started a family of your own. You're getting old."

"Excuse you, and what should I say about you?"

"You're calling your mother old?"

"Well I'm just 36 and you're..." His mother grabbed a pillow and continuously hit him with it. He tried to dodge it but there was no use.

"Anyway, why don't you invite her for dinner?"

"I already have but it was meant to be the two of us..."

"Oh my bad, I forgot you're all grown up now. What time does she come over?"

"Sometime tonight, I'm cooking up a meal Angela said was considered a five-star dish."

"Alright then, let's get the house ready before I leave so I don't disturb the both of you."

"Nope, don't do that."

"I'll just go back to my husband who already misses me."


"What?" She smirked before the both of them started working on the residence. She even stepped out to get some essential oils for the diffuser and more snacks.

"Is that wheat?" He asked once she'd returned

"It's bread, of course, there's wheat."

"She's allergic to wheat and ginger." She smiled softly at her son finally realising how much this girl meant to him. It wasn't just 'nothing' as he'd stated before but much more.

"Well then, my apologies Lewis." Not in the slightest bit of offence but rather in an 'I love this feeling you're having Lewis' way

They made sure it was spick and spam before he dropped his mother off at his childhood home before driving back and taking another shower just in time for when her text shoots up that she had arrived.

nvsh speaks, 🧍‍♀️

so i hope you all liked the

i am so so SO sorry for the
late updates but I promise
i'll do better. i promise!!

i'll finish this book before
the end of the year or not
who knows but have a
lovely rest of the week !!

much love xx

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