Ch 2: The Old Guardian's Worries

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A/N: Hello, everyone! I'd like to mention that this story is entirely a product of my imagination. I've drawn inspiration from Filipino Mythology to craft this tale. For those curious, this is a fan fiction crossover between Juan Dela Cruz and Highschool DxD. If you're wondering about Juan Dela Cruz, simply Google it, and you'll find more information.)

----This Chapter is written by Void-King---

Juan, who had suddenly woken up from his sleep, went downstairs to drink a glass of water. However, upon going down, he saw that the secret room of the house was open.

Upon seeing that the secret room was open, he immediately rushed to see who had opened the door to this secret lair.

And what he saw shocked him because he saw that his granddaughter was the one who had opened the door to this room. Not only that, he saw the girl summon the Iron Cross onto her hand.

"Apo!" He finally decided to speak, and once his granddaughter heard his voice, she immediately turned around and looked at him while shaking.

(A/N: Apo means grandchild. Usually, only grandparents use this word to address their grandchildren.)

"Lolo! I, uh..." Juan could see that his granddaughter was trying to come up with an excuse while she was sweating and shaking.

(Translation: Lolo means grandfather.)

"Apo! Akin na 'yang Bakal na Krus." (Translation: My granddaughter! Give me the Iron Cross.)

(A/N: I will now translate the meaning of the sentence instead of word for word.)

Said Juan, and immediately, Reika gave the Iron Cross to him. After she handed the Iron Cross to him, he told her to return to her room and rest since it was already late at night.

The girl immediately returned to her room without asking or saying anything, and Juan was left in the room alone, looking at the Iron Cross that his granddaughter had handed over to him.

Instead of returning the Iron Cross to the wall, he took it back with him to his room.

While in it, he was looking at the Iron Cross, and the memories of his late grandmother flashed before his eyes.

He remembered the words of his late grandmother, Belen, who told him her last foresight: that in the future, one of his descendants would become the new wielder of the Iron Cross, and that descendants of him would protect the human race against the forces of evil. Belen also told him that this descendant of his would experience hardships like no other. She also told him that this descendant of his would carry the weight of the entire world.

The hardships that his descendant would experience would make them strong, stronger than any of the previous guardians of the Iron Cross, and stronger than any guardians of other weapons or any wielder of the Holy Sword.

(A/N: If you guys are wondering about the other guardians in the supposed sequel script of Juan Dela Cruz, it is stated that there are also other guardians aside from Juan, who was the guardian of the Iron Cross, so if you guys want to read it, it's on my reading list on the tab of Filipino Novel script.)

After all these years, he thought that this foresight would happen in a distant future when he was no longer in this world. But he didn't expect that his granddaughter would be the one chosen as this new generation's guardian.

He didn't want his granddaughter to go into a battle where her life would be put in danger, but he also knew that she needed to fulfill her duty as the new guardian. Juan knew that even if he tried to stop his granddaughter from ever holding the Iron Cross, he knew that he couldn't change destiny. No matter what he did, the duty of becoming the guardian of the Iron Cross was inescapable. He knew this because he learned this the hard way when he once tried to turn his back on his duty.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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