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This gotta be the funniest shit ever.

So I'm in the middle of a bomb ass nap right?

Just got some ushygushy 5000 that was just chef's kiss.

Tell me why, just as I was about to start slobbing from sleeping so good, I get a call?

Let me just-

This is a collect call from the Houston County jail from "Your Pookie". Press one to accept these charges."

I'm so pissed that I haven't said one word to her since I picked her up.

"Baby" she said looking at me with puppy dog eyes 

I just looked at her with a hard stare

Her eyes started to water while I looked at her blankly.

"Dorinda Grace.." I said chuckling under my breath

"BeyBey I'm sorry" she said in tears now.

"Nah, wipe them tears up right now. Tell me how the hell you ended up in jail with assault charges? And who the fuck did you fight?" I said looking at her with steam blowing out my ears

"I-it wasn't m-my fault I sw-swear!" She said sobbing

I just sighed lowly and tried to get my head together before I went off on this girl.

"Breathe for me baby. Why you crying so hard?" I asked wiping her tears and fanning her red face to calm her down

I know the hormones got her wonky but she has never cried this hard, especially when she's been pissed and fighting

"I'm just so mad at myself for letting that bitch get me to that point! I tried so hard to be patient I promise Bey, I had all the intentions to let the friendship go without all that drama but she took it there!" Doe told me once she calmed down enough to talk

Now I'm irritated because I knew who she was talking about automatically

"I told you to let me handle the bitch mama" I said pouring some water in her mouth with one hand and rubbing her back with the other

Even though I was pissed as hell, she still my baby so ima baby her regardless

"I know but I didn't want it to be all of that extra stuff honestly. I wished that a conversation would clear everything up because I liked having friends outside of you and my sisters." She told me pouting and looking irritated with the whole situation

"I understand that mama but I know exactly how those kind of bitches rock. So when I say let me handle it, trust me baby. Now you done put yourself and our babies in danger over a jealous, bitter bitch. We're praying for the best with this pregnancy so you know you can't wild out like that baby" I told her as gently as possible so I wouldn't upset her

It's like when I said that, she came back to reality

"I'm a bad parent already Bey" she said breaking down again

"You know good and hell well that's not true so stop that shit before you even start Grace." I told her sternly

"Now walk me through everything that happened from the moment you pulled off mama." I demanded

She told me everything that happened until she blacked out and came back to earth in cuffs

I just sat there while my blood boiled cause no way

When she was done talking, I bursted out with a gut clenching laugh

Dorinda looked at me like I was a maniac

"What's so funny baby?" She asked looking confused

"She said what?" I asked through my laughter

"She said I was old and damaged but what's funny about that?" She asked looking upset

"It's funny because I've never met someone as delusional as this bitch" I said calming down from my outburst

Doe just looked at me and shook her head

"Shut up idiot" she said laughing lightly

I grabbed her by the waist and looked in her eyes

"You know you my everything right?" I asked causing her to blush

"You tell me everyday Bey"

"And I'll tell you that until the day I die because it's the truth. I love you to pieces baby, stop letting unimportant hoes that don't know about anything we have going on get in your head mama. And if they got a problem with us, tell them to come to me about it if they so bold and bothered." I said meaning every word

"I love you daddy" she said pulling me into a kiss

As soon as it started to get heated, we heard someone clear their throat

"Get your tongue out her throat. That's how yo ass got pregnant in the first place" her sister Jacky said

I chuckled while Doe's face was as red as a tomato

"Leave me alone" she said pulling away from me but I grabbed her to place her in front of me

She looked at me confused until I pushed up on her causing her to smirk

"You know how hard you be having me, stop playing" I whispered in her ear

"Sorry daddy" she whispered back laughing softly

"It's all fun and games now until I handle that ass later. I'm still pissed at you" I told her and smiled once I seen her face drop

"It ain't funny now huh?" I asked laughing at her sad face

"Uh? HELLO?! Y'all over there having secret conversations while we just got word that yo thuggish ass just got out of JAIL! What happened Dorinda?" Karen said breaking us out our trance

"Girllll" Dorinda said sitting me down so she could sit in my lap

Once everybody was seated, she told the whole story

As soon as she said the last word, Karen got up and grabbed her purse

"Where this bitch at? I got something for her ass" she said pulling out her gun

Twinkie just shook her head and tried to calm down her sister

Jacky looked at me, already knowing I had a plan.

"So? What we gotta do?" She asked me

"Ight, so boom.."


Hey y'allll

This was just a filler if you can't tell

Hopefully I'll update soon but yk, life & college 🥲

Also, my birthday is coming up 🫦 Virgo season the best season, argue with ya bald headed momma 💯💯💯💯

Byeeeeeeee 💓

Byeeeeeeee 💓

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