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5 years later...


I groaned waking up to little feet kicking me in my face.

It's always something everyday in this damn house.

But I'm beyond grateful for my little family after all of the shit we've been through.

I didn't think Doe would still be here after seeing her basically dead in the backseat of her sisters car while trying to bring life into this world.

If I didn't know that God was real, that definitely would have been my wake up sign.

After my babies, Dorian Sir and Daija Sincere were born, Doe bleed out and was in a coma for about 2 months

I was praying so much that my knee prints were basically embedded in the carpet by my bed and in the hospitals Chaplin

As soon as she woke up, I made sure that we were in somebody's church every Sunday.

And after seeing her like that, I definitely was fine never having sex again

She wasn't though, that's why she's 6 months pregnant now

Them church women some freaks Chile

"Good morning baby, I made breakfast for our big day" my wife said coming in the room with that beautiful smile on her face

"Aww thank you baby. I was gonna get up and make something but the twins kept me up all night" I said getting up and stretching

"I'm so happy you didn't do that" she said relieved

"THAT WAS ONE TIME!" I said rolling my eyes

"One time too many. We had to redo the whole kitchen. I'm not too mad though, I got my dream kitchen" she said snickering

"Yeah I guess... I just don't know how the hell I burned water" I said shaking my head

Doe picked up Dorian and I tickled Daija to wake them up

"RISE AND SHINE LIL NIGGAS" I said while they were waking

The next thing I feel is a sandal hitting my head

"Didn't I tell you to stop calling them that Giselle?" Doe said while the twins giggled at me getting in trouble

"Mama is in troublleeee" Daija teased me

"Mommy's barely mad so it's her fault" Dorian said as he shook his head

"Really man?" I said as I tickled him

"Mama pleaaassseee! I'm sorry!" He said as he laughed as hard as he could

After we did our hygiene and ate a quick breakfast, and got ready to leave

Solo came and watched the kids while we were at our appointment

On the way to the doctor, Doe was in the passenger seat jamming out to her oldies and I was quietly driving

I didn't realize how bad I was in my head until Doe turned down the music and tapped me

"What's wrong baby? You've been really quiet every since we got into the car" she asked me while rubbing my free hand

"I'm good mama. Just a little nervous for the most part" I said biting my lip and turning into our destination

"God has it all under control. He didn't bring us this far just to break us down. You know that baby" she said rubbing my ears

I just nodded so we could hold hands and say a quick prayer before getting out

Once we made it to the back, they weighed her and checked all her vitals

"Well look at my favorite couple! All I saw when I came in was teeth" the doctor said when she came through the door causing me to burst out laughing

"You do be smiling hard as fuck bae" I said wiping a few tears away from laughing too hard

"Y'all laughing too hard. Don't you got a job to do?" She asked rolling her eyes at the doctor

"You're right, I'm sorry. Could you lay back for me?" She asking while chuckling softly

"So what are we wishing for moms?" She asked after she put the gel on and got the ultrasound ready

"I just want a healthy baby" Doe said smiling hard

"As long as it's only one, I don't really give a fuck" I said with praying hands causing Doe to hit me

"Well how does two more sound Mrs.Knowles?"


All I remember is falling out and now we're here....

Three months later , in the delivery room

I've never heard my lovely wife curse so much

"BITCH YOU'RE NEVER TOUCHING ME AGAIN!" She said hemming me up

"Yeah yeah, I love you too Satan" I said rubbing my hand, trying to soothe it after she basically amputated my fingers off

"Girl fuck you!" She said crying

"It's time to push mom. You got it" the doctor said getting her into position

"And you can shut the fuck up too" she said before yelling through a contraction and pushing

30 minutes later, my babies were born

"I'm getting a fucking vasectomy"



Honestly just wanted to end this book so it was kinda ehh

This was my first book and I thank y'all so much for coming along on this journey with me

Nothing but love for all of you 💓

Nothing but love for all of you 💓

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