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Gemini along with their friends took break from shooting for few days since they wanna experience new things...and they started their trip....all of them except gemini hoping this trip would change gemini...as for gemini he can't think of any other thing except fourth...

If you were here we would have gone there together....since you always wanted to go there...(well...just think that fourth once mentioned gemini to go there... And that is why gemini agreed to go...after hearing about the place)
Gemini thought to himself while caressing his ring....and tear dropped from his eyes...and he just looked out of window...

On the other side:-...

Ray....where are you!? An old lady calling his child...

Ohoo...Ray...he went into forest with his friend pat...one of the villager told her..

Aish...this child when will you listen to me huh!? You are really a trouble maker..she mumbled to herself....and walked towards the forest...

Ai' Ray have you heard about the hunters...here..

Huh!? Who are they ...Ray asked pat..

Hm...I heard that here some people who are approaching children...like they know them and trying to make children as a prey to catch wild animals...

Huh!? Really..

hm..that is why your mom told us not to come here ..

But why did you bring me here then...

Ai...it's because we are brave..my friend.

Are you sure about this pat...

Hm...let's go and catch those fellows ...

How do we do that!?

It's simple we both will go in seperate ways...and they will come to one of us and say that they know us or will call us with a different name...it's like they will act emotional in front of us...my dear friend.. and when someone like that come to us then we will beat them ok ...

Are you sure...I'm afraid pat....

Yes my dear friend...don't you believe me...Ill protect you ..if they come to you call me ok...

Hmm ok...then

Yeah...let's go now..

On the other side__________________


What happened everyone asked satang...

Car tyre is broken...I guess we have to walk from here..


Hmm...there is no way we will find someone at here to repair it ..

Didn't you bring a spare tyre...

Hm...well I forgot...

Shia...satang...you are such a fool..

It's because I'm excited...and I forgot

Ok then let's walk gemini said and started walking...

While they are walking...a little boy is coming towards them his face is not clear but gemini's heart is beating faster..he himself confused with that...and when the boy's face become clear... gemini froze at his place...fourth!? He exclaimed...which made everyone to look at the boy...as soon as they seen him...they all were frozen and everyone started saying fourth!?
Is that you!?

Immediately gemini rushed over to the boy and hugged him tighter.....fourth....where did you go....I really missed you allot ....don't ever do this to me..please...I really want you fourth....he didn't let the boy speak and kept saying he missed him allot and hugged him tighter...but he stopped saying when the little boy pushed him away...

P'...who are you...I'm not fourth..ok...I'm Ray please let me go...
The little one said

Fourth....what are you saying...I'm gemini...don't you remember me!?

Huh!? Who are you I don't know you...I'm sorry but you have mistaken...

Fourth...stop doing this...I can't..he was stopped when the little boy shouted pat!?

Who is pat!? I'm gemini he tried to catch the boy..

Pat...the hunters are here...the little boy shouted..

Fourth whats wrong? im your gem...

Fourth can't you remember us...

Who the hell are you all...you must be those hunters who kidnap s people...right..pat...come here ...he started shouting..
I'm Ray...I'm not fourth...he said..

That's when pat arrived..

Pat..look at here - Ray called him..

Shiaa...they are a gang ...oh my god.. Ray let's run from here...

Huh!?arent you going to fight with them..

Are you crazy...look at them...they are a gang and we are just two members so let's run..

Shia pat..let's run..

Fourth... gemini started running after him...but Ray and pat escaped from there ...when he couldn't see Ray anymore gemini started crying again...fourth please come back to me...he kneeled at the ground....

Gem..I guess he is not really fourth....may be we mistaken....his friends tried to convince gemini...and just then they heard someone is falling so they immediately rushed to there..

Ray's pov:-

While I was walking someone came to me and hugged me...I felt like I really know him as my heart beat increased when he hugged me....but I remembered what pat said...and they are behaving exactly like that...what should I do...what if they are really hunters...oh no..I can't fall into their trap...otherwise no one will take care of maa and paa...so to save myself I called pat... But this idiot is useless..anyhow we escaped from them...but still something is wrong...I just couldn't forget that man who hugged me..it felt like I know him....and I can really see that he is missing that fourth...I didn't like it when he cried.....shia...what even am I thinking.Ai 'Ray ...no they are those hunters....I tried to convince myself...

When I got back to home I've seen that mom is on bed with a bandaid on her feet...so I rushed to her...
Maa..."what happened to you..."I hugged her...and when I turned to the other side some people entered into my home with medicine...it's that hunter gang...I guess they did something to maa...I'm really angry at them so I rushed over to them

Hey...how dare you ....what did you to my maa...I held his collar and asked him about that... But before I could say anything maa called me..so I went to her leaving them behind...

Ray..It's not what you think...they helped me when I am about to fall...in the forest..

Huh!? Why did you come there?

It's because my son is a troublemaker...aren't you!? She then twisted Ray's ears...

Aw...maa.Im sorry....

Not now..but first go and apologize them...

Hm...and you take rest

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