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Chapter 47

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I had twenty minutes to myself before I found Stella slinking into my bungalow. She pried open the glass sliding door that led out to the patio with surprising stealth for a woman who was prone to tripping over her own ankles more often than not.

A welcome breeze drifted over me where I reposed on the sofa, attempting to will away the occasional spasm of pain that shot up my testicles. I'm not sure what I would do if she made me hard- which she was very capable of doing considering she was still in that damn one piece and her hair was a wild tangle of clustered knots and waves over her pink shoulders.

"Remind me to lock that door from now on," I told her dryly as she crept forward, a wary look about her.

"I'm sorry," she said, coming to sit beside me on the couch, and ignoring my insinuation that she was trespassing. She perched on the very edge, uneasiness settling around her like a heavy cloak. "I ordered some ice and drinks from room service."

"It's OK, Stels. It's not that bad- I just need a moment."

She didn't look reassured. Her gaze dropped to my crotch, thankfully behaving itself, and she chewed her lip. "I did a quick google search," she explained, her gaze raising to join with mine, "and I learnt that if you have pain for more than an hour and it doesn't subside, you should get medical attention."

"Thank you for the concern over my cock, but I'm fine. Honestly."

The bell chimed at my suite's door and Stella hopped to her feet, trotting over to answer it before I could utter any form of enquiry. Although, she did say that she had ordered something from room service, so I could assume that it was merely her items being brought dutifully by the concierge.

My assumptions were proven right moments later when she set a tray on the table in front of me- a table that still had a bottle of champagne and a fruit basket from my arrival yesterday that I hadn't touched. Stella set about making me an ice pack by stuffing a hand towel she retrieved from the bathroom full of ice cubes and twisting the ends together. Handing it to me, I accepted it purely on the basis that I didn't have the energy to protest her administrations.

If she wanted to play nurse, so be it.

Also pressing the ice to my dick and balls helped prevent the burgeoning arousal that was always prevalent when Stella was around.

Next, she grabbed one of the beers from an ice bucket and popped it open, handing it to me, then did the same for herself. She also placed the champagne amongst the other beers that remained in the ice bucket to chill, then she resumed her position on the sofa beside me, folding her calves under her legs and turning slightly towards me.

"If the pain doesn't subside in the next hour," she told me with a firmness that was very cute, "I'm going to drag you to that nurse, Kills. Really, I feel terrible. You did me a huge solid today and I go and injure you."

After swigging at the beer, I decided to try to dispel her guilt, even if I was enjoying her presence and, subsequently, the nurturing side of her. "I did abandon you to the sharks," I said, offering her a smile.

"Yeah, you did." She nudged me with her shoulder, hot skin flush against mine. A ripple careened down my arm and settled in my fingers, tingling with urges I shouldn't be having. Her naked, tattooed thigh was so close to my hand I could stroke my small finger against her flesh if I moved it just a miniscule amount. "I did some research, by the way, to help with this fear of sharks you have."

"Uh huh." I raised a brow at her, coaxing her to roll her eyes. "There are enough movies to tell me that the ocean is a deep, dark, scary place and there isn't much you could say to convince me otherwise, woman."

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