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Chapter 52

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I brushed the sand off my feet before tapping into my villa, and then trotted into the room with a smile on my face, eager to see Killian even though I had only spent an hour away from him.

Dumping my tote bag that contained a towel, my camera, and some water and sunscreen, on the sofa, I ambled across the threshold dividing our two rooms and found him still fast asleep in his bed. He was sprawled in the centre, the hog, and on his stomach, arms stuffed under the pillow he rested his cheek on. The white sheet was pulled down low, all those glorious muscles on his back displayed so nicely for me. His face, though, was so beautifully handsome like this, so restful and peaceful with nary a line creasing the sternness of his brow.

I decided to change that immediately.

Leaping onto the mattress, I straddled his hips and began plastering wet, smacking kisses to his temples, cheeks, jawline, shoulders and neck, until the man physically grimaced beneath me and let out a grumpy moan of protest. Honestly, he deserved the rude awakening. It was, like, 7:30am after all.

Killian muttered something inarticulate and he dragged his body around so that he lay on his back and I straddled his pelvis. God, was this man ever not hard? I resisted the urge to grind against him and give him the best sort of wake-up call he'd ever get in his life.

"Stels," he mumbled, his voice a rough husk that was ultimately just about the sexiest thing I had ever heard. A large hand settled on my thigh, the other running fingers over his bleary eyes and then pushed the haphazard locks of brown hair off his brow.

"Good morning, sunshine," I told him cheerily, leaning down to plant more kisses over his face.

A hand shot into my hair, yanking me firmly against him, and then Killian was kissing me, drawing my lips to his in a crushing embrace that was intent on curbing my enthusiasm, I realised. He meant to deter me, to stop my mischievous morning antics, and it worked. I moaned against him as he shifted his hips, bringing his hard cock into direct contact with my pussy, which ached in all the good ways considering how many times he had fucked me in the last twenty-four hours, and Killian wasn't petite in the groin area, either.

After a moment that was too short, he released me. "Whassa time?" he mumbled, blinking up at me with hooded eyes as he began to wake up.

"7:30am," I informed him, happy to let him know how early in the day it was.

"The fuck, Stella," he grumped, throwing me a half-hearted glare.

I laughed softly and began to move off him. "Well, if you prefer not to be woken up by my kisses, then-" I was cut off with a yelp as Killian yanked me firmly back in place atop his body, banding his arms around my back and pulling my torso atop his.

"No, this is very much preferable to waking up any other way," he said, a delicious gravelly murmur to his voice that did all sorts of warm, gooey things to my insides. He ran his hands over my (his) t-shirt I wore, then over the baggy pants on my hips and thighs. "Why are you dressed?"

I nibbled absently at the stubble on his chin, smiling to myself. "I was doing beach yoga at the main resort," I told him. "It began at 6am."

"You're a morning person now?"

I reared back slightly to give him a crooked smile, amused at the grouchiness in his tone and the small frown lining his brow. "When I'm on holiday, I am. Also, I have deadlines and obligations to meet. Beach yoga is the only thing I can afford at this place by myself, so I had to make use of it whether I wanted to or not."

He grunted in acquiescence, stroking my hips and ass almost absently. "Yoga, huh? I thought there were pants for that." He plucked at the loose material covering my calves.

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