I can't sleep here

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Sophie took a step back.

The two boys clung to each other, Keefe practically falling into the embrace like there was something in Tam's arms that he hadn't been able to touch in years.

Something in her chest had been slowly falling apart yet again, crumbling inside of her with an aching hurt that she knew he had to feel inside him entirely, all at once.

As much as she knew she couldn't dwell on the fact that she'd hurt him so much, she needed to stop apologizing and understand that she'd done as much as she could to show him she would regret it for the rest of her life, that didn't stop her from wishing, dreaming, praying, that a time machine would just appear and let her head back and hit herself in the face with a brick.

She clearly had needed it. She'd been so easily tricked, duped, ruined, and now--

Her soulmate let out a muffled noise on Tam's shoulder.

She jerked up to look at him. The two took a step away from each other. Tam looked at Keefe with a look that Biana gave Sophie altogether too often. Knowing exhaustion. Keefe smirked, softly. "You knew, didn't ya?"

Tam shook his head. "You're an idiot, Keefe."

Keefe nodded, seemingly saddened, but the dark haired boy ruffled his hair, in a brotherly way that made Sophie's whole soul feel the tiniest bit lighter, and said, "You're the best kind of idiot, though. The kind that you can't help but love."

Keefe's eyes teared up, sharply, but Tam slung Keefe's arm gently over his shoulders, and headed back into his room.

Sophie and Biana quietly followed. Sophie noticed that Tam had gotten the white guest room, one of the oddest ones in the palace, all one color, modern, streamlined, that had often been used to house foreign dignitaries from places like Japan and America, who would feel more at home in a sleeker, more modern style apartment.

Tam sat on the bed, and Keefe sat next to him, like he was in some sort of shock, quiet, really quiet. Except, Sophie could see, a million thoughts were slamming through his mind, and every time he blinked new thoughts ushered their way in, like thousands of ducklings cascading in a stampede down to a little pond in his mind.

"You doing okay, Keefe?" Biana asked.

Keefe blinked, as though startled, and looked up, catching Biana's bright teal eyes. "What's she doing here?"

Biana shrugged. Tam sighed, softly, and said, "She's my soulmate."

"No way!" Keefe gasped. "How long have you known?"

"A day or so," Tam answered. "I'd have told you, but your parents showed up, and I know how it is with them, and I know how you are with them, and I didn't want to--"

Keefe grinned at his friend. "Tam, no, are you kidding? This is so cool! We both found our soulmates!" Keefe took a sharp breath, "I've got a soulmate, holy shit."

"Why is that such a big deal?" Biana asked, softly. "I know you didn't think you had one, but it can't be that big of a surprise, can it? Everyone's got a soulmate, don't they?"

Keefe made a noise in his throat, and Sophie glanced at him. He looked at her, eyes wide, bright, something like tears lingering along the lines of his eyelids. Sophie took in the trembling in his fingers, the way his eyes flickered over her, and wondered, briefly, why this was such a huge deal. Why she was such a huge deal. Why her existence meant so much.

Keefe brushed his fingers up through his hair, and Tam glanced at him when he spoke, so softly, that Sophie almost didn't catch it. "She was wrong," his voice cracked. "She was wrong about me, Tam."

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