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Lorelei POV:

I wake up at 11pm.

Hunger consumes me. My throat feels like sandpaper.

I open the door and walk down the stairs into the kitchen, grab a blood bag from the fridge and sit in the foyer. This is my favorite place in the compound.

As I sip from the blood bag, I grab a rock and chuck it full force at the exit, the boundary spell flinging it back and catch it.

Over and over.

I hear the sound of footsteps. I don't move as the sound gets closer.

Klaus walks in from the street with Elijah and Kol.

"Enjoying yourself love?" Kol jokes

I pierce my lips in a thin line and chuck the rock full force at his face. He catches it with the palm of his hand, a few inches from his face and laughs. He carelessly tosses it over his shoulder.

"Shut it Kol." I growl
That only makes him laugh harder.

Tightening the grip of the bag, it explodes leaving blood everywhere and I rush to attack Kol. At vamp speed Nik moves in front of his brother.

"Get out of the way Nik." I growl

He doesn't move. He stands there watching to see my next move.

I stand there seething. My anger shifts from Kol to Klaus. Elijah signals for Kol to leave and with that Kol disappears.

"I understand you're not happy love-" He begins

"No shit Nik. Now drop the barrier and let me go." I hiss

"We both know that I'm not going to do that." He says calmly

His calm demeanor just angers me more.

"Drop the spell."
"No." Klaus say firmly

My eyes glow in anger.

"Maybe I'll go find Freya and convince her." I snap

Suddenly he grabs me by the throat and pins me against the wall.

"You will not lay a hand on her." He growls, choice rising in anger

"I want my freedom Nik."
"You lost that freedom when you took off to Mystic Falls."
"Let me go Nik."
"Give my your word that you won't go after Freya or Kol."

I glare at him. His grip doesn't change.
He releases me.
"Go upstairs."
I don't move.
I turn and walk away to our bedroom.

Klaus POV:

Elijah, silent during the entire exchange, turns to me.

"This will only get more difficult for her. You have control now brother but for how much longer?"

I sigh.

"What do you suggest?" I ask
"Find a new approach."

With that he walks away and I head to the bedroom.

I go to head into the bedroom when I stop, hearing the faint sounds of crying.

She's heartbroken.

Not angry.

It only took now to realize.

She's grieving the life she had once had, not being able to embrace what she's now become.

I wait a moment before walking in. She's sitting on the bed under the covers and looks away as I enter.

"What do you want Nik?"
Her voice is low and soft.
I move and sit down on the bed in front of her.
"I want you to be happy love."
Her eyes meet mine.

"You aren't just a wolf anymore. There is a beauty in being a hybrid. Colors are more vibrant, music more beautiful and sights are breathtaking and if you want, I can show you." I explain

She waits a moment, collecting herself before speaking.

"Will you drop the spell?"

"In time. I'll take you out from dusk til dawn and you'll stay here for the rest of the time."

She opens her mouth to interject.

"Just until you have a handle on it. Your emotions are heightened and I can't have you attacking every person who so much as laughs at you."

"I wouldn't have actually hurt Freya." she admits

"I know that. We can start on it tomorrow."

New Orleans Bayou:

Klaus and I stand together in the bayou. He looks at me and asks what I smell. I wrinkle my nose.
"Pine." I say and he chuckles
"Okay. What else? Focus." He coaches gently

I close my eyes and concentrate, breathing in deeply.

"Grass, trees, berries and...cheap ass cologne." I reply

It's almost like I can feel him roll his eyes at my joke.

"Haha very funny." He replies

We continue on with training and I learn how to hunt better and get a better handle on my senses.

Klaus pulls a vial of blood out of his pocket and uncaps it. Immediately my face changes, fangs out, veins under my eyes and my eyes glow.

"Ah ah ah. Control yourself love." He says

I lunge and he dodges me.

In the struggle he manages to knock me onto my back and presses his foot onto my chest, pinning me to the ground. I take a few long moments to compose myself.

"Ready?" He asks calmly
"I'm going to put this vial somewhere in these woods and you're going to find it. When I return you'll have 3 minutes to find it." He explains

He lifts his foot and extends a hand, helping me up then he disappears. A few moments later, he returns.

I close my eyes and focus everything on my sense of smell. I breathe in deeply, catch the scent and take off at vamp speed.

Klaus POV:

I smile to myself, proud of her progress. The hunger is an issue but she'll get better in time.

I check the time.

60 seconds left.

She returns with 15 seconds to spare with the vial.

"You put it in a tree?" She asks with a laugh

"Well I couldn't make it too easy for you pet." I say smiling

She walks over and places it in my hand.

I kiss her forehead.

"Let's go home love."

Klaus's Pet Book 1Where stories live. Discover now