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Ocean's task didn't feel like a difficult one. Although, if something was actually after the young woman...

I pushed the thoughts of going back out to look for him aside, again.

For one thing, if whatever beasty he happened to cross paths with out there, kicked his ass, what exactly did I expect to do? I mean, I could take him. But given the right stars, he could take me. So, anything overpowering Ocean would soon find its way to me all on its own.

The second reason, if one is called for, is I worry. I always worry. Which is a waste of energy. My father taught me that to be concerned was expected, even mandated at times, but to be so wrapped up in the worries, to the point of paralysis, squandered so much energy — it was possible that when you were called for, you would be too exhausted to respond.

I was working on that.

My last reason, at least with Ocean, was trust. I didn't believe that Ocean was an idiot. He would run away before dying. He would strive to bring me the news, rather than stand and fight against an equal or stronger enemy.

I stood up from the sofa, and walked to the expansive windows. Close up to my own reflection, I looked out across the French Quarter. There were no flames. Nothing was burning. Things tended to burn when Ocean became riled. He was a demon, after all.

The hunters were here in the city. And, as luck would have it, they heard the rumors I started about me moving in — that I wasn't in New Orleans just to visit.

Simply hunting them down wasn't the primary goal. It is always an option. Yes. However, questions needed to be answered. Like, how were they crossing?

That was a big question. By itself it might appear small, even insignificant. But it wasn't, 'by itself.'

Humans aren't supposed to be able to cross. Not on their own. Over the millenia, many have found ways — some better than others — and a few have lived to return after they managed the trip. But this group, these Hunters, managed to cross over, track down and engage my father, and then kill him. Afterward, they also managed to cross back again.

I don't believe we ever had a defensive plan against a raiding party with the goal of regicide. I didn't believe we had a defensive plan because it was difficult to believe that a raiding party of humans could survive crossing over into our realm. The energies are daunting.

To not only survive, but to come seeking battle... I mean, how far into fantasy did you want to go?

It would be like sitting down at my desk here, in this condo on the 30th floor and planning a defense against men on horseback coming off the elevators. Yes, it was nonsense.

And yet... my father was dead. And those who did this deed, escaped back across the barrier into this world.

And, those same humans were currently seeking me.

They did this without losing a single one of their team.

Shaking my head I corrected that thought, dismissing the assumption. It was possible that one or two died, and the hunters carried their dead back home.

No matter how you looked at the storyline, their attack was nothing short of miraculous. And while I enjoyed magic, I didn't believe it was part of the equation.

Rubbing my brow I forced my mind to clear from the weariness I suddenly felt. I needed a drink. The sun had lifted off the horizon in the east.

Out across the waters, southeast, several hundred miles away, a storm brewed. The shifting barometric pressure put aches in my wings. It would be the third major storm this season. Mid September and already three hurricanes. The first was measured as a CAT4.

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