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"I'm not quite sure what my reception is going to be," Victor said, as we came up on the front gates.

We'd been walking through neighborhoods of houses for some time. The homes were a bit bigger than I expected. Most were two stories. The closer we came to the walls of the city, the nicer and larger the homes became.

The bottom floors were made of stone. Shaped stone, puzzled together to form the walls. Then wood was used to shape the top floor. The outside stairs led up to what was presented as the front door. Cellar doors, the kind outside, which are slanted, I believe they are called bilco doors, were also prevalent.

The shaping of the stone and the designs they made were wonderful.

Victor said it was a large city, and that most of the people would probably not recognize him, just walking by. In the royal coach, they would just pick the younger one to be him.

As it turned out, at least one or two recognized him, because we were gathering followers as we walked. Of course now, with about a dozen trailing after us, more people would follow. People were like that. They wanted to know about what other people wanted to know about...they wanted to see what was interesting. After all, it must be interesting if it has distracted so many people away from whatever it was they were doing — like work...and now we had fifteen. This was another bias we used to make decisions and choices — I thought to myself, to keep from getting nervous. Because now there are eighteen.

"Is it colder the further you go north?" I asked, hoping it didn't sound like a dumb question.

"Yes, like it is in your world," Victor answered, seeming not to notice the growing number of people behind us. "The sun rises, sets, and is eclipsed a few times a decade. We have a second moon. One that orbits further out, past the moon you're accustomed to," he explained.

"That must affect your weather," I murmured. Glancing back I counted twenty-two people and a band of kids I couldn't keep track of as they raced and darted through the growing group of followers.

"How would we know? It's always been like it is," he said, rolling his shoulders.

"Huh," I grunted. 

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