𝟐.𝟐𝟓 𝙐𝙣𝙢𝘼𝙨𝙠𝙚𝙙

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Season 2, episode 25

Season 2, episode 25

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"One week after his arrest, Reynolds pled not guilty to the charge of Alison Dilaurentis' murder. However, prosecutors remain confident with their case. Rosewood PD's working theory is that Reynolds became a police officer to destroy evidence that linked him to the murder scene. Investigators received a break in the case when that document was recovered"

The five girls were seated once again in the Hastings kitchen, T.V on full volume as they listened to the latest update in Alison's murder case.

Garrett's arrest had surprised the girls to say the least, they were ready to head straight to the police station to turn in all evidence of A when the man was arrested only a few feet away from where the girls were sitting now.

"That must be page 5 of Ali's autopsy report" Hanna stated as they listened to the news reporter confirm the destroyed evidence.

"Garrett took it but somebody gave it back" Emily muttered.

"My mom is friends with the prosecutor" Spencer told them, "that somebody was Jenna"

"Can we finally put Ali to rest now?" Aria asked, speaking the question the girls were all silently asking.

"Or is it two down and two to go?" Hanna responded, "Ian's dead, Garrett's in jail, Melissa and Jenna were in Ali's room that night too"

"Han's right" Sophie muttered, "they may not have killed Ali, but they're definitely guilty of something"

"Love gone wrong" Melissa said, walking into the kitchen surpirsing the girls.

"What are you talking about?" Spencer asked, turning the T.V off as she spoke.

"I knew Ian didn't kill Alison" Melissa admitted, "and you four can keep a secret, but you don't have the constitution for murder"

Sophie frowned as she listened to Melissa speak and the blonde couldn't help but think there was another meaning to her words. It was like she was telling the girls that they were naive, as if she knew about the game they were playing.

The blonde was always slightly hesitant when it came to accusing Melissa of being A, she didn't think she was capable of doing it. But in that moment, even Sophie was beginning to doubt her previous opinions.

"I know how Jenna Marshall went blind" Melissa told them, "So did Garrett and if he killed Alison, it's because he thought she deserved it"

A chill ran down Sophie's spine and she had to bite her lip to stop herself from saying something she might regret. No matter how angry the blonde had once gotten with her best friend, and despite how horribly Alison treated people, Sophie never once wished death upon her.

Melissa didnt say another word to the girl, she simply smiled as if their previous conversation never happened. With a hand gently caressing the bump on her stomach, Melissa left the kitchen and walked away from the girls.

𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | Jason DilaurentisWhere stories live. Discover now