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Staring at the closed doors of OT, her eyes got tired but she didn't look away even for a second.

Silent tears are flowing from her eyes, making them turn puffy and red.

It's been two hours since she was sitting and waiting for the doctor to inform her about her Veer. This wait is killing her.

Suddenly the door opens and a nurse comes, making her jump from her seat and rush toward her.

"How is he? My husband..he is," she stopped feeling her word choke as tears gathered in her eyes.

"You are??" the nurse asked her.

"I am the wife of Veer Singh Rajvansh,"
She told her in a heavy voice due to crying so much.

"Ma'am..We need blood for him as he lost too much blood due to deep injuries. Please arrange the blood soon. We don't have much time," the nurse walked leaving poor Preet anxious and tense.

She blinked her eyes and tried to think what she should do now. Whom to call for help.

She calls Aarav but he is not picking up his phone. She calls a few more times but he is not responding.

She calls in the house to inform everyone and asks who shares the same blood as Veer.

"Hello?!" she said as soon as someone picked up the phone.

"Kon?" she sniffed hearing Urmila's voice.

Urmila frowns hearing a cry from the other side.

"Choti Ma...my Veer," Preet said in a low voice, crying to her.

"Preet?" Urmila asked in confusion.

Preet let out a sob as she nodded forgetting she couldn't see her.

"Choti Ma...Veer, he needs blood. He got into an accident. Please do something,"
Urmila was shocked for a second and her heart melted hearing Preet crying.

"Rajveer Ji has the same blood type as him. We are coming," Preet felt a little relief.

"Please come fast..."

"Okay," Saying Urmila cut the call and was about to call Rajveer when Sumitra, who was sitting with her, held her hand, stopping her from calling.

Urmila looks at her with questioning eyes.

"What are you doing, Urmi?" she asked her, sounding frustrated.

Preet was impatiently waiting for Rajveer. She looks at the closed door with a heavy heart.

"Please hold on for me, Veer," she whispered and closed her eyes for a second.

She opens her eyes and slightly turns her head to see Urmila and Sumitra are coming toward her.

She stood immediately and walked to Urmila.

"Choti Ma, where is Chote Papa? Veer needs blood," she asked with her teary eyes.

"He will come. But you have to do something in return," Sumitra said to her standing in front of her.

"I will do anything, just save him. " Preet told her without thinking for a second.

Sumitra smiles at her and forwards a few papers to her.

"Then sigh them, Preet" Preet took the paper from her and the pen from her hand.

Sumitra looked at her with a smirk when she began to sign the papers without taking a look at them.

Urmila was shocked seeing her desperation and love for Veer. She didn't expect her to sign the paper without asking about them.

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