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Preet comes out of her trance feeling the movement of Veer's fingers in her hand.

She sat straight and took his right palm between her palms. She looked at him.

"Veer?" she softly called him.

She was surprised as she again felt his fingers moving. His eyeballs move behind his eyelids making her smile a little.

"Can you hear me, Veer? I am Preet…" tears appeared in her eyes when he gripped her hand giving a little squeeze to her palm.

"Please try to open your eyes, Veer…" she asked, kissing his eyes softly.

He blinked his eyelashes when her tears fell on his face. Slowly he opened his eyes with lots of difficulty.  His eyelashes felt heavy.

As he opened his eyes, his gaze fell on the most beautiful face of his wife, who had the biggest smile on her face and tears were shining on her eyes.

"Pre..eet" he breathed out but felt pain in his throat.

She smiles and bobbles her head. She began to place small kisses on his face making him close his eyes in peace.

"I love you so much. I love you, Veer," she asked while kissing his face and soon she started crying.

"You are very bad. I got so scared. You scared me, Veer, …" she looked at his face cupping his face gently.

He sighs looking at her tears and shakes his head but ends up hissing in pain.

"Please don't move. Let me call the doctor," she panicked as his face twisted in pain.

She pressed the button to call the doctor and looked at him in concern.

She looks at him as he is trying to breathe normally and lightly caresses his hands.

Soon the doctor entered with the nurse. Aarav and Damini also come inside but are surprised to see Veer as he wakes up.

The doctor checks him and his vitality. He smiles at Veer.

"Don't worry you are fine Mr. Rajvansh. But be careful and try not to exhaust yourself. Rest as much as you can. As you broke one of the ribs and have sprain in your arm I suggest you not lift heavy weight for two weeks. Don't stress yourself, am I clear?" the doctor instructed him, who just blinked his eyes as his head hurts while moving due to surgery.

The doctor turns to Preet and gives her an assuring smile.
"He is okay, Mrs. Rajvansh. He just needs care and lots of rest. Just be careful with his injuries," Preet nodded at him and gave him a grateful smile.

Aarav comes to meet and smiles at him, making him return the smile.
"You scared us, Bhai. Now get well soon," Aarav said and then sharing a few more words, he went out after nodding at Preet to buy medicine for Veer.

Damini looks at him, not knowing what to say to him while he is staring at her with a longing look on his face.

She finally gather some courage and walk near his bed,
"How are you feel?" she asked feeling awkward.

"Feeling okay…" he whispered in a hoarse feeling his throat hurting as he talk.

She nodded and then look at Preet,
"I am going now. Take care of him. Call if your need anything,"
Preet simply nodded at her and give her a tight smile.

Damini left as she was feeling very awkward inside. His eyes is staring at her like he used to when he was a baby for his attention. She was feeling weak under his soft gaze.

Veer move his eyes from door as Damini left and look at his wife with a small smile. Preet was also looking at him with sadness in her eyes.

"Come here, …" he called her near him softly.

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