will she stay?

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      Austin knew he had to tell grace. Tell her he wasn't normal. Tell her he was never going to die. Austin had time of course, but figured if he wad truly gonna be in love, he better tell her, but it was hard. Harder than he initially thought, he had to tell his now girlfriend that he was immortal. Would he even believe him? Of course he wouldn't blame her if she didn't, considering it sounded utterly ridiculous.

     she sits by his side, her eyes glued to her phone. Of course he doesn't mind, seeing her focus was something he enjoyed, although he wasn't sure why. Maybe it was how her lips curl into a smile when she saw something funny or how her brown eyes show the reflection the screen. Austin loves her eyes.

     "Grace." He breaks the silence, her eyes shoot up to look at him.


       "I need to talk to you" a look of slight panic rea hers her face. Austin realizes how this may have come across "I'm not leaving Grace. I just need to tell you something. Somthing you won't believe"

        "Okay, what's so crazy that I won't believe" she has a slight bit of sarcasm in her voice, not enough to sound mean. A smile was in her face and her eyes filled with love as her phone looped the video of their favorite band, Austin loved that he shared a name with the lead singer, although his was spelt different.

  "I'm never going to die" there was  a moment of silence, Grace was processing this, she didn't know if he was serious.  "I'm serious, generations ago some guy made this witch mad so she cursed generations. I'm the somehow the only one who wants to break this stupid curse because I love you and I wanna die with you and I can't do that if I never die" Austin doesn't think about his words as they fly out of his mouth. It wad only when he slowed down did he realize he had said he loves her. He does love her, but he hasn't said it yet, until now.
"You love me" she stutters out, a smile on her face, even though they had tuned it out, the video still looped the soft voice coming through the speakers playing Stupid for you. She smiles as she gets what she believes is the best idea anybody has ever had. "So..you love me. But, are you stupid for me" she laughs at her own joke. Austin's eyes nove down to the phone phone realize it had been playing.

   "I'm the stupidest for you" he says, gently kissing her cheek. She laughs before the serious atmosphere returned.

"Are you serious about the immortality thing" she asks and Austin only nods. "Okay, so you wanna find out how to break this curse? Why don't you just ask, surely your family knows"

"Not that easy, everybody else loves, especially my dad. I asked and he refuses to tell me, and says that if I really wanna know I can find out myself" as the words come out of her mouth Grace rolls her eyes, of course she isnt mad at Austin, more like his dad, she has never met him, but already doesn't Ike him just from what he told Austin.

"That's so stupid, as a parents you want your kid be happy right? Why would you want  them to stay cursed, doesn't make sense. I get that he loves being  immortal, but unlike him you have morals. You want to be in love not just go through countless relationships for hundreds of years" Grace was getting upset, upset with Edward.

"I mean, he does  want me to be happy. He's been trying to convince me to date for years." Austin defends his father, mainly because his father is the only family he has that he speaks to.

"Why haven't you dated before"

"I was scared. When I first saw you you stuck out to me, I hoped you were a tourist at first so I couldn't fall for you. I'm still scared. That's why I don't say that I love anybody, and I never will, because I'm too scared. Deep down I know I'm never going to die and you are, so I try to forget, forget I'm not normal and I never will be normal" her gaze softens as she hears his words, she felt bad, of course he was scared. Who wouldn't be? Grace knows how scared she would be, death plagues her mind normally, it would eat her alive if she was worried about Austin dying but knowing she can't.
"You don't have to say you love me. I can tell, the way you act around me. Your actions speak louder than any words. It's okay that your scared, I would be too, I'm not leaving you. I'm sure that we could figure out somthing. What about old family members, if they don't die maybe they will know." A sliver of hope was in her eyes, it seemed to disappear when Austin shook his head.

"We foot talk to them, they are away somewhere, nobody really knows where, the oldest the generations that we talk to is my grandfather. Me and him don't exactly like eachother." Austin sighs, he wishes there was some way he could just get rid of the curse, live q normal life instead of being apart of this stupid family.

"How did the curse start, tell it as well as you know"

"Generations back, there was a witch, and there was my family member, Thorne. He fell in love with the witch, Aurora. Aurora fell deeply in love with him, but he fell out of love with her. Thorne thought he was doing a favor by not leaving her for his other woman, until she found out. She cursed generations with immortality, and said something about find a real man with love. Something like that, I'm not sure" Grace nods, analyzing the story, but after picking apart every detail, she still had no idea. Neither did Austin.

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