Chapter 20

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Two weeks later

I think Lennox can be a secret spy or something.

Doing homework brought my mood down because who gets happy doing homework?

But my mood was lifted immediately when someone tapped on my window before letting themselves in.

I haven't seen him in days because of his basketball training. His coach is crazy!

"Hi!" I grinned happily as Len climbed in, closing my window behind him.

I've never ditched my homework this quickly in my life.

"Hey, darling." he grinned back. Then he brought something out  from his bag. "This is for you." 

I gaped at the little pastel blue and purple alpaca. "Me?" 


"Awhhh." I took the alpaca from him and hugged him like my life depended on it. "It's so cute!" 

"Like you." he chuckled. 

I blushed slightly. "Thank you." 

"For the alpaca or the compliment?" 

I scoffed. "For the alpaca, you dumbass." 

"Mm." he had a mischievous grin before tackling me onto my bed. "So, how was your day?"

"Perfect, now that you're here." I told him.

I don't know why I didn't ask Stefano's permission to let Len come over. I think he'll probably say yes but there's no fun if he can walk through the door of the mansion.

I think Zeke is closing an eye while doing guard duty. I swear he's letting Len past him easily.

"There's so much I need to tell you." I gushed as he made himself comfortable.

"Mm. Tell me."

And I fell into my usual rant about my day.

I think Lennox enjoys my ranting. He's always listening whilst I tell my story, but sometimes I feel like I'm speaking too much and annoying him so I would stop halfway, making sure he's not bored with my life.

And he was listening now.

I sat opposite him, my arms moving about as I acted and explained with expressions and emotion and all.

Now I understand why my brothers say that acting runs in our genes.

I feel like a comedian+reporter+actor right now.

"..and he has the audacity to join the drama club after I got chosen as the president and kicked him out." I sighed.

A lot happened today. I argued a lot with a new kid in school who thinks he owns the place because he's the principal's son.

I- of course couldn't let him just walk over me like I'm nothing so I started some trouble.

"That's why no one messes with you." Lennox grinned as he shuffled my hair proudly.

"Ooh I've got snacks." I voiced suddenly.

I jumped off my bed, and skidded into my closet.

"I had to hide it because if I don't, Max and Row would steal them and I can't let them steal them because it's a limited edition sent over from korea. And boy, let me tell you, Korean snacks are different." I ranted.

I forgot I was short and couldn't reach the top.

I turned around and halted. Lennox was standing so close behind me, he must have stopped right before he crashed into me.

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