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Samaira was still active in gathering whatever proofs she could find against Srishti. She noticed how she has stopped approaching Ankit after that slap that night.

Good job, husband.

She anyway had enough proof that anybody will trust her based on it. But she didn't want to make Ankit tensed by all that and families have just reunited. Let them have some quality time with each other.

However Srishti was, Lavina had a genuine love for her and she couldn't just shatter that.

She will first inform Lavina about it to prepare her mentally for all the drama that can happen.
She knows, Lavina may get terrified or devastated hearing it as she is quite sensitive when it comes to family and emotions of loved ones.

She will support Ankit & Samaira with whole heart but somewhere she will have a hope that Srishti didn't do any of this, and thats the reason why Samaira collected evidences because Lavina needs to be assured about it that whatever happened was real and not delusion of Samaira.

Thinking all of this, Samaira reached on LaviMaan guestroom on 1st floor as they all stayed here for the night after dinner with witches.

She knocked on the door hoping for Lavina to open but was opened by Abhimaan. He smiled at her and kept the phone in his coat pocket giving her all of his attention.
Samaira acted normal, she doesn't know the personality of him that well to know how will he react after knowing all the shit but she knows that if it hurts Lavina in any way..its over for Srishti.

Samaira : Hello brother-in-law
Abhimaan : Hello Sister-in-law, how are you? Come in.
Samaira (moving in looking for Lavina) : All good. How are you? Uhh...Lavina?
Abhimaan : Lavina is in the bathroom for half an hour, she will be out in 5 maybe?
Samaira (chuckle) : Hope so...in maybe 15?
Abhimaan : Yeah...I guess

Samaira was almost awkward standing in that space while Abhimaan was sensing the seriousness oozing out of her.

Abhimaan : Is everything okay? You look serious, scared and angry all at the same time.
Samaira (squeezing her eyes tight and opening them to clear the daze) : Uhh ..yeah, all good. Just wanted to talk to her about something.
Abhimaan : Okay, sit down here. Have some water, and sister-in-law equals to sister so if there is any problem or worries, you can tell me freely okay?

Samaira smiled at him relieved now as she got the taste of his sweet and warm-hearted personality. She sat down on the couch not wanting to go away and miss the opportunity to tell Lavina alone in peace.

Samaira : Thank you for saying that brother. I will keep that in mind.
Abhimaan : Yup..now your sister-in-law takes too time in shower and whatever, help me make it less.
Samaira : Why? Missing her already?
Abhimaan : Ofcourse (look away, clear throat) I mean...I want the bathroom.
Samaira : Oh..You can use other guests room's bathroom too...there are many.
Abhimaan : No No...its fine. She must be coming anyways.

Samaira smirked at his expression of being shy but frustrated by the passing time. Lavina took her long sweet time and came out of the bathroom to the closet and got ready for the day. Then, she entered the room where she saw Samaira sitting down busy on her phone and Abhimaan nowhere in sight.

Lavina : Hey sister-in-law. (sat down on the vanity)
Samaira : Oh God, finally..you graced me with your presence. What took you so long huh? Abhimaan got frustrated from your absence and went to the balcony to make some calls.

Lavina looked for him and found him talking aggressively to someone standing near the railing and looking at the gardens and backyard with one hand on it.

She kissed his cheek to make her presence known which earned her a smile and peck on forehead from him. She grinned and moved back to the vanity sitting down.

Lavina : What happened? Why are you here early morning?
Samaira : Its 10 am, not early. And I have some serious talks to do with you.
Lavina : What is it?
Samaira : (conscious of Abhimaan) uhh..
Lavina : Its okay. He won't hear as he is on a call and by chance if he does, he won't do anything until I tell him to.

Samaira quickly beckoned her to sit beside her and showed her the phone pictures.
Lavina didn't quite get the meaning behind it as it were just some legs and hands on one's body?

The second proof was Srishti glaring and roughly handling Pihu in a video recording.
Third was Ankit and Srishti together in the study voice notes which wasn't very clear but some shouting noises were there.

Lavina : (first picture reaction) What is this? Don't show me illegal stuff of you & Bhai...My virgin eyes.
Samaira : Your eyes are not virgin first of all. And I am not showing some sex tape of mine, you idiot. Let me explain.

Lavina nodded asking to continue.

Samaira : While we were having dinner on the first day Uncle's family came over here. I took this picture of Srishti putting her limbs on Ankit under the table.

Lavina's eyes widened as she gasped at the new information. Srishti? Her brother?

Lavina : No..Brother can never do this to you. He loves you. (shook her head vigorously)
Samaira (smack her back of the head lightly making her pout) I know idiot, its Srishti who is doing everything.
Lavina : (serious) Oh. But why would she do that? And after he is married, suddenly? And how dare she treat my Pihu like that, wtf?

Samaira : Well apparently, this has happened in their teen years too. Srishti forced herself upon Ankit once after drugging him when he was 18 and she was 17. She played victim in all that and confronted him after that dinner to which he even slapped her and told her how she played the damsel in distress so that she could drug him and later get into his pants. She blamed him at how she was minor and he took her advantage which was never the case as she was the culprit. And she hates me and Pihu resulting in such misbehavior, which is why Ankit didn't talk that much yesterday because he was avoiding the cousins.

Lavina : This much happened, he never told us.
Samaira : He was probably embarrassed to tell you as you must have been just 14 then and didn't want to worry mom dad?

Lavina nodded agreeing with her.

Lavina : Don't worry, we will make her pay for what she did to my brother.
Samaira : And to my husband.
Abhimaan : (entering from the balcony) What happened to your brother and your husband?
Lavina : Nothing Maan, we were just gossiping about my brother.

Abhimaan nodded and went to the washroom while they both looked at each other with determination and went to their separate ways to do their own works while thinking of some mind-blowing strategy.

Let's see what's gonna happen now that Lavina knows?

Hey guysss...here is your next episode.
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