Dinner ~ Chapter Twenty

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Bakugo POV still

We all sat around the dinning table, steam coming from the mapu tofu infront of me. I felt rude to be the first to eat so I waited until someone else did. It didn't take long though. Soon, Eri was picking up her fork and taking a bite. Smiling widely after each mouthful.

I took a fork full, nearly burning my tongue in the process.

"You okay there, cheerleader?" Shinso teases, realising my struggle with the heat.

I nod frantically, swallowing the food then having a drink before having another mouthful. "Thank you, the food is great."

Present Mic smiles at me, "I'm glad you like it, little listener."

If I was honest, it was some of the best food I had ever tasted but I didn't want to come off as annoying if I overdid it.

"I picked up your bags from the mall, security found them lying on the ground," Aizawa speaks up.

"Thanks Dad!" Shinso looks at him with a wide smile- the same smile he had earlier, it still hasn't left his face.

They talk more than they eat and it feels comforting. As I sat there, listening I couldn't help but get lost in my thoughts. Whenever I went home for dinner, we'd eat in silence apart from the odd shouting or comment on work or school. This felt more natural... more loving.

My eyebrows furrowed. I always thought I had a normal home life but sitting here, now, I'm starting to realise maybe it isn't the best. Shinso was laughing, Mic was making stupid comments and Eri was telling us all about what her dolls were doing recently.

It came as a surprised to me how much time pro heroes could make for their family. Dunce Faces' mum never spends time with him and Icyhot hates his dad so I assumed all heroes put work before their family relations... I guess I was wrong.

"We should do karaoke!" Mic says, moments after finishing his food.

"You suggest that every night, Hizashi..." Aizawa rolls his eyes, still smiling.

"Because I'm good at it!"

"You sure about that?" Shinso asks, looking at him mockingly.

"I am so sure about that!" Mic becomes defensive, having Shinso and Aizawa against him.

"I think you're great, Papa!" Eri adds, smiling widely.

"Thank you, my little angel!" Mic whispers, squeezing her cheek and making Eri laugh.

I finished my food, resting the cutlery against the side of the plate. Not long after, Mic took in the dishes- placing them on the sink in the kitchen and putting on rubber gloves. "HITOSHI?"

Shinso gets up from his seat, "Coming, Papa!"

I glanced to Aizawa who was gazing into the kitchen, a smile on his face. In lessons he was stone-cold and heartless but with his family he couldn't stop smiling. At home it was the other way around.

"Mr Kacchan?" Eri Saïd, catching my attention.


"Do you want to play dress up with me?" Eri asks, smiling.

"Oh- um.." I look over to Aizawa who just shrugged. "Would you like me to?" I asked, kind of nervous and highly confused about what I was getting myself into.

"Mhm!!" Eri nodded frantically, jumping up and skipping over to me.

"Um- okay then... sure..." I answer.

She grabs my arm, pulling on it and taking me into her bedroom/nursery.

"Who do you want to be? Sleeping beauty?... nevermind that's Dadzawa." She starts throwing dresses onto the floor, going through her costumes.

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