The End~ Chapter Twenty-Five

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I wrote this before reading the comments and just want to appreciate how right you guys are!! I love your feedback! I want to apologise for the lack of Masaru in this but behind the scenes he's doing good and often visits his son at the Aizawa/Yamada/Shinso household 🥲

Bakugo POV

I stayed over that night and slept on a pull-out mattress in Shinsos room. We were under a strict threat from Aizawa that if he found out we were any closer he would personally deal with it.

The next morning Present Mic made us some delicious crepes with melted chocolate drizzled over the top and an arrangement of berries as well.

Suddenly, I felt loved. They made me feel part of their little family and accepted me as such. There wasn't any shouting and if I helped around the house it was under my own terms not in fear of violent threats.

As the weeks went by, Shinso and I became much closer and rumours had started up but I wasn't scared anymore. They could talk about me all they wanted but to me they were just some extras at school - I was going to be the number one hero not them.

Shinso POV
Back at UA

"Hey Denks?" I asked, wandering into class 1-A class room which had become a frequent habit so nobody questioned me anymore. Everyone had just filtered out of classes and began to go back to their dorms but Denki always stayed behind for a while to get homework done with teachers around. At the moment however, there wasn't a teacher present.

"Yeah?" He asked, turning to look at me.

"What's Minas problem?" I said bluntly.

He laughed, "What do you mean?"

"She gives me funny looks constantly and has been a real bitch to Kat.. Bakugo ever since we started hanging out."

His smile faltered slightly before he began to explain. "Remember when I had that huge crush on you?" He asked, a hint of nervousness in his voice. I simply nodded so he continued, "Well ever since then she seems to think you like me back and that Bakugo is trying to steal you and-"

He continued to explain everything in detail but the words that spilled began to sound like a blur. Anger began to boil through my veins as realisation hit me - this was my fault.

"I told her I didn't like you anymore but she wouldn't listen and-" Denki continued.

No... this was her fault. I corrected myself before storming away.

"Shinso! Wait!!" Kaminari calls out.

I ignore his pleads, slamming the 1-A door closed just to hear him open it again and run after me.

I ignore his desperation, rushing down the staircase and out the door just to hear his feet rapidly hitting each step.

I ignore his apologies, storming into the 1-A dorm common room where his classmates were talking amongst themselves.

I ignore his shouts, clenching my fist as anger races through my veins.

I ignore his hand, shoving him off my shoulder and open Minas dorm door just to see her sat on the edge of her bed, painting her nails.

"Shinso... please don't..." Denki whispers as I watch Mina get up from her bed.

"OMGG! Are you guys finally dating?" She asks, her inability to read the room making me even more frustrated.

"You show off that attitude too much." My voice was calm but tone aggressive.

Her face contorts as she catches on.

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