Chapter 1.5: Questions and Answers

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I have only been out of that place for 296 days and I have already come across a dropout. My brain couldn't help and try and compute the probability of such an encounter and every indication tells me the chance is very low.

I first noticed her as I exited the bus. When I stepped off the bus into my new school, I was ready to enjoy my three years here, but a complication emerged almost immediately. I saw the boy who gave up his seat on the bus go over to speak with a girl who was already here. My first thought was they must have already known each other, but the girl's face seemed familiar. I searched my memories and then I remembered where I had seen her before. She was there with me, in that place. She was a White Room student. Her name was Kaguya Shinomiya. I wonder if she is related to the Shinomiya family who my father introduced me to in New York. The father was an investor, so I had to make an appearance to help grow the reputation of the White Room. He didn't have any family members attending with him so I can't be certain they were related but they do share similarities in their looks. Although whether they are related doesn't really matter in the end, what does is why she is here.

Kaguya Shinomiya's presence at my new school sent shockwaves through my mind. I had left the White Room behind, but seeing a fellow student from that place here was nothing short of surreal. I had already identified her before she noticed me, but I kept my composure as she approached. Her initial surprise confirmed that she recognized me, just as I had recognized her. It was inevitable that our paths would cross, so this confrontation had been inevitable from the first moment I saw her here. Her presence at the school raised countless questions, and I needed to tread carefully to get the answers I sought.

As the class introductions began, Kaguya remained a mystery. She was a well-mannered, intelligent, and well-spoken girl, fitting the image of a high-achieving student from a prestigious family. However, her connection to the White Room intrigued me the most. The White Room was a place of relentless training and conditioning, where emotions were suppressed, and students were molded into highly efficient individuals. Yet, Kaguya didn't display the stoicism or apathy that characterized the White Room graduates. It was perplexing. What happened to her after she left? Kaguya wasn't the first dropout I had meet, but her condition couldn't be more different from Yuki.

As the introductions continued, Kaguya's apparent boyfriend, Miyuki Shirogane, introduced himself. It seemed like Kaguya and Miyuki were in a relationship, and they both seemed genuinely happy to attend the same school. Their connection intrigued me as well, but it wasn't my primary focus.

Once the introductions concluded, Kaguya and I finally had an opportunity to talk privately. She followed me as I walked away from the classroom, seemingly driven by curiosity and perhaps a desire to understand my presence at the school.

"I wondered how long it would take for you to approach me," I said. "So, Kaguya Shinomiya, what is it you want?" Kaguya hesitated for a moment, likely considering her words carefully. "I want answers, Ayanokouji. I want to know why you're here and does that place have anything to do with it."

I expected this line of questioning, and I had prepared my response. "I'm here to attend this school like any other student. As for the White Room, it's a part of my past that I'd rather leave behind."

Kaguya didn't seem satisfied with my vague response, but I noticed her twitch when I mentioned the White Room. On top of that she looked like she didn't believe me.

"I find it hard to believe that someone who completed the training of that place would just enroll in a regular high school. There must be more to the story." She continued her line of questioning.

I maintained my composure, unwilling to reveal more than necessary, but noticed her specific choice of words. First, once again she didn't mention the White Room by name, was she being cautious in case someone overheard us? I don't detect anyone else's presence.

Secondly, she said completed, so she must have knowledge of what happened in the White Room after she left. I decided to try and extract some information from her in exchange. I decided to test her knowledge.

"Did your father keep you informed with the progress of the rest of the 4th generation?"

I was taking a risk even asking this, but my gamble paid off immediately as the look on her face told me everything I needed to know. "Ho..How could you know that?"

"It's a complicated matter, Kaguya. To answer your first question let's just say that circumstances have led me here, and I have no intention of revisiting my past."

"I can't accept that as an explanation. You and I both know what that place is like. If you have nothing to hide, then tell me what you are doing here." Kaguya's determination was evident as she continued to press for answers. She really was more persistent than I expected. From her demeanor I thought she would be more timid but that didn't seem to be the case. In her eyes I saw someone who I think could understand my goal here. I want to learn all about this outside world. I want to learn about all the things the White Room deemed unnecessary. I want to know what it means to be a normal student. However, that wasn't something I was just going to say at this point.

"I see." she finally responded. "I suppose the most important thing I wanted to confirm is that you have no intention of being my enemy."

Oh. I wonder if she had made some of the same deductions about the nature of this school that I had. Maybe Kaguya would be more interesting than I remember her being.

"I understand, Kaguya. Just remember that we're all starting fresh here, and dwelling on the past won't help any of us."

With that, Kaguya and I parted ways temporarily, each of us carrying our own secrets and motivations. As I continued to navigate the challenges of my new school, I knew that the presence of Kaguya Shinomiya, a fellow White Room survivor, would be a complicating factor in my pursuit of a normal life.

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