Chapter 4: How Could You Forget?

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On the second day of class, our lessons finally began. After homeroom with Chabashira, we had Math, Science, History, and English classes. Everything went well, aside from the fact that only about half of my classmates were paying attention. I had thought that Chabashira simply didn't care enough to correct them, and once other teachers began their own lessons, discipline would be restored. However, that proved not to be the case.

The only other notable thing was Hoshinomiya-sensei, who was Class B's homeroom teacher, seemed to have very low energy for a teacher. If I didn't know any better, I would assume she was hungover, but that would be ridiculous for a teacher from an institution of this caliber.

The rest of our lessons were relatively uneventful, and I can't say I was paying much attention. While I wasn't as bad as my classmates who were obviously slacking off, I made sure to appear engaged while simply letting my mind wander. I figured that these lessons wouldn't affect my ability to perform on an exam, so they really didn't matter. I had other things on my mind, after all.

At the end of the day, I had plans to go to a cafe with Sakura, but that wouldn't be until a little later. Miyuki had been invited to join Hirata and some others for a friendly game of soccer. I've seen him play sports before, so he should be fine, but for some reason, Miyuki seemed really nervous. I had offered to come and watch, but he seemed to shut that idea down, as if he didn't want me to see him play. Since I was planning on hanging out with Sakura later, it was fine.

Since I had some free time, I wanted to check out the other first-year classes. I didn't want any more surprises like Hayasaka. With that in mind, I set out to see what the other classes were like.

However, as I was leaving the classroom, I was approached by Ayanokouji.

"Hey, Shinomiya, are you busy this afternoon?" He asked.

"No, not particularly. Why do you ask?"

"I was planning on visiting the other classes, and I was wondering if you would like to join?"

It seemed that he had the exact same plan that I did. I guess I didn't mind having company, even if it was him. I suppose that this could be a good opportunity to get used to being around him anyway.

"Sure. I was actually thinking about doing that myself, and I don't mind the company."

"I see. I asked Horikita if she wanted to go too, but she declined. I don't want to go by myself."

"I guess she has been unsocial as ever," I responded. I had been unable to strike up a conversation with her at all yet.

"So should we get going?" Ayanokouji asked.

"Sounds good."

As we began walking down the hallway toward the other first-year classrooms, we heard an announcement over the speaker system.

"Attention students. At 5:00 PM today, we will be holding a club fair in the gymnasium. For all students interested in joining a club, please gather in the gymnasium at 5:00 PM."

"Do you have any interest in joining a club, Shinomiya?" Ayanokouji asked.

"I'm not sure. I was in the archery club at my last school, and I was on the student council. I think it could be interesting to attend."

"Well, then we should head there after visiting the other classes."

"I agree."

With that, we continued toward the other first-year classes.

The first classroom we walked up to was Class 1-B, Hayasaka's class. I wonder if she's in here. Ayanokouji walked up to the door and without hesitation opened it.

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