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In the village, the guards would remove the wooden plug and replace it with a cotton plug with a cloth fuse. At that time, with an order, the guards would light the fuse and throw it out.
  In addition to pottery bottles filled with kerosene, bows and arrows and machetes are also necessary. With bows and arrows, you can prevent Shanrong from climbing out of the wall. As for the machete, it is naturally used for close combat.
  The last thing is the quilt. Each soldier has a quilt on his back.
  Just now, Lin Yuanqiu directly gave everyone a live demonstration of tying a quilt. It was carried squarely on his back. Except for the extra ten kilograms of weight, it didn't seem to be any hindrance.
  Soon, more than a dozen cooks brought over steaming steamed buns. Each bun contained a large piece of pork. The cooks took out parchment paper, then packed four buns in a pack and distributed them to everyone one by one.
  As for the soldiers and guards, after receiving the steamed buns, they immediately stuffed them into their clothes. Soon, everyone's chests were warmed by the steamed buns.
  As for water, of course there is no need to bring it. There is snow everywhere now. When you are thirsty, just grab a handful and stuff it into your mouth.
  After Lin Yuanqiu took the steamed bun, he stuffed it directly into the lapel of his clothes. At this time, his face was serious. After looking at all the soldiers and guards present, Lin Yuanqiu said loudly: "Eat the king's wealth and
  relieve the king's worries. Do you still remember? What I have said to you before, I have said that those who work conscientiously and fulfill their duties will inevitably be rewarded. These words will always be valid. Anyone who participates in killing the enemy today will be awarded two taels of silver each. In addition, if the enemy is captured The leader, regardless of life or death, will be rewarded with thirty taels of silver. Do you understand?"
  "Understood!" The soldiers and guards raised their voices loudly when they heard that there was actually a reward of thirty taels of silver.
  Lin Yuanqiu raised his sword and said, "Let's go!"
  He then took the lead out of the barracks, followed closely by Zhong Rong, followed by centurions and leading soldiers. Soon, a marching team of nearly a thousand people marched towards Mao. Go along the village.
  Normally, it only takes an hour and a half to walk more than 30 miles to get there, but now that there are piles of snow on the ground, the walking speed will naturally not be that fast.
  The camp was set out at noon, and we would take a break every half hour of walking. By the time we arrived at Maoyan Village, it was already the right time.
  Lin Yuanqiu was very glad that he wore moccasin boots today. Otherwise, after walking on the snow for so long, the shoes would have been wet and the water would have seeped into the stomach of the shoes.
  As for the soldiers and guards, there is no need to worry. Today they are wearing riding boots. The pigskin used in the riding boots is not easy to get wet.
  It was almost two hours before dark. Although there was still plenty of time, Lin Yuanqiu did not dare to delay and quickly issued an order for everyone to arrange the scene according to the previous plan.
  Zhong Rong led Bingwei to the woodshed in the yard, and after a while, he took out the dozens of oil lamps that had been stored there in the past few days.
  Aribei stepped forward and picked the lock on the door of the house. Then an oil lamp was placed in each house, and the bolt of one of the windows on the north side was opened.
  The next step is the most critical step, which is to close the door and use a wooden head to block the back of the door.
  The skill of opening the door can determine the time it takes for the Shan Rong people to push the door open. According to today's plan, it is naturally best to spend more time, so as to ensure that all the Shan Rong people enter the yard.
  The wood for the top door has been prepared a few days ago, and it can be directly put on now.
  My father-in-law and the others are experts in this aspect, but Lin Yuanqiu has not participated. He is currently working with several soldiers to tie the legs of more than 20 chickens brought from the military camp, and then put a black cloth hat on their heads. Lin Yuanqiu specially asked his mother to sew these cloth hats for him. The small one fits over the chicken's head just right. There are two thin cloth ropes on the brim. After tying it, it will not fall off.
  Finally, everyone put a chicken wearing a hat like this in the main room of each house. Then they turned a basket upside down and covered the chicken with its eyes covered inside. They also found some broken earthen pots or tiles on the basket. Can fragments pressed.
  After finishing all this, the guards withdrew from the north window.
  Lin Yuanqiu took one last look at the bundles of miscanthus piled inside the courtyard wall. He was worried that the Shanrong people would notice something strange, so the miscanthus was placed very casually. Without careful consideration, he would not be able to find anything wrong.
  After withdrawing from the yard, the next step was to squat.
  Zhong Rong waved to the centurions. After the centurions received the order, they quickly led their soldiers to hide.
  In fact, there is snow everywhere, so it is not difficult to hide. The soldiers and guards found a slightly inconspicuous place, opened the thick quilt wrapped in white cloth, then put half of the mattress under the body, half of the bed covering the body, and finally shrank their heads in. Looking from a distance, there was only All that was left was a vast expanse of white.
  Lin Yuanqiu believed that at night, no matter how close he was, he would not notice that it was a pile of quilts, and he must have thought it was a snowdrift.
  And the soldiers and guards who were lying in bed were extremely impressed by their Lord Zhizhou. In the middle of winter, wrapped in such a thick quilt, no matter how biting the cold wind was, it could not reach them.
  He touched the steamed buns with meat in his arms. They were still warm. Before the soldiers could swallow the saliva that flowed to their mouths, they heard three crisp whistles. It was agreed before that three whistles would be heard. The signal means you can eat.
  Haha, finally we can start eating.
  The soldiers couldn't wait to take out the oil paper bag from their arms and opened it. Four large steamed buns stuffed with fragrant pork were quickly revealed. The soldiers took a final sip and started eating.

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