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Two beds with bedding!
  “Two sets of clothes for each season! ”
  " Twenty taels of silver in the box! " "
  After hearing that there were still twenty taels of silver in the box, many members of the Yang, Zhao, and Chen families in the crowd no longer cared about being shameless, and finally expressed unbearable dissatisfaction, "This is terrible. No, my family also has unmarried children, why should they only marry mountain wives? "
  Yes, my youngest son hasn't started a family yet. The prefect posted a notice saying that all members of our clan can marry!" "
  That's right, why did Mrs. Chen marry five of her family? My family doesn't accept it either!" "
  God knows, five daughters-in-law are equivalent to fifty acres of high-quality paddy fields and one hundred taels of silver. Who can be willing to accept it?
  However, every word of dissatisfaction was quickly drowned out by the sound of festive firecrackers, leaving everyone to throw their weight behind those who complained. Looking at the eyes like fools.
  The soldiers and guards were divided into twenty-seven teams according to the dowries sent to each family.
  The last ones who left the gate of the government office were twenty-seven soldiers holding wooden Ruyi in their hands. After they were organized into the dowry delivery teams, the dowry team began to set off.
  Suddenly, there was the sound of crackling firecrackers; the faces of the guards were full of joy; the dowry burden tied with bright red silk; and the brand new twenty little ones. The silver ingots shine with dazzling silver light under the sunlight.
  Today's Chenjiacun is no different from usual times. The same smoke curls from the kitchen, the same naughty children playing.
  If there is any difference, it is There were more than a dozen families in the village who were having happy events, and they all posted big red characters on their courtyard doors, as well as relatives who came to congratulate them. There were
  no others.
  The villagers did not expect to visit these families today. After all, the bride has to come over tomorrow. If she wants to join in the fun, she will definitely have to wait until tomorrow.
  As for the fact that the day before the wedding is the day when the woman sends her dowry, everyone automatically ignores it.
  It can also be said that no one has thought about it at all. In their opinion, what will the mountain wife use to buy a dowry? It will only be a few buckets of descendants and a few clothes in a bag.
  So when the dowry procession with firecrackers arrived at the village entrance, no one in the village realized what was going on.
  I just thought that the wedding party might have found the wrong place.
  So some villagers stepped forward quickly and kindly reminded, "Brother Bingwei, where are you going? This is Chenjia Village." The other
  villagers nodded in unison, "Yes, this is Chenjia Village."
  The leader Bingwei smiled. Answer, "We are coming to Chenjia Village. By the way, could you please tell me where Chen Dalang's family lives? It's the house where the five brothers will marry tomorrow. We are here to send dowries." What
  ! Chen Dalang? Five brothers?
  Oops, isn't this Chen Tugen's house?
  The villagers were immediately dumbfounded.
  When I looked at the long dowry queue again, I had lost the calmness I had just now.
  Who will tell them what is going on?
  Also, the clods in this load could not be what they thought.
  The official matchmaker, who got off the sedan chair later, was worried that the guards would send the wrong family to her, so she hurriedly took three steps at a time and said, "It's not just Chen Dalang's family, there are also Chen Guinian's family, Chen Shizhu's family, Chen Xingcai's family, Chen Daniu's family..."

Chapter 218 Getting Married (2)
  After wandering around Chenjia Village for a month or so, the official matchmaker was already very familiar with which family lived where, so she quickly led the dowry team into the village.
  There were twelve families getting married in Chenjia Village this time. Thinking of the prefect's repeated warnings when he went out, he asked him not to show off, so the official matchmaker took out the paper in his arms. On top of it, the prefect was telling each household Everyone's wishful thinking has been clearly distinguished.
  A woman who had been friends with Aunt Chen for a long time ran to report the news to her. Obviously, neither Aunt Chen nor the five brothers Chen Dalang expected that there would be such a large dowry.
  So when the dowry was carried through the courtyard gate, the mother and son were all confused.
  The official matchmaker shouted and sang: "Ten acres of high-quality paddy field!"

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