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-: seventh year :-

CHAPTER ONE✧-: seventh year :-

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"THAT WAS A BLOODY BORE." Sirius announced, an attempt at an arm being thrown over his boyfriend's shoulder as they left the Great Hall falling slightly short; instead ending up somewhat snuggling into him.

"This is completely undercutting your message." Remus replied as he placed an arm around Sirius's shoulders with ease. "But you're right, it was shit."

"You can't expect the Sorting Hat to be completely original every year." Peter hurried to keep up alongside them, finding it more of a struggle to fight through the waves of students piling out into the Entrance Hall now that Dumbledore had released them. "The feast was lovely though. Great spread this year."

"Yeah, but we've heard all that material before." James frowned. "Oi, shift it, Head Boy coming through." He added, as they began to make their way up the stairs, trying to swerve around the mass groups of second and third year Gryffindors and Ravenclaws. "Bloody hell."

"I thought you promised McGonagall you weren't going to abuse your position of power." Despite his words, Remus was more than happy to follow the path cleared by James.

"Yeah, yeah, I say a lot of things." He waved his hand dismissively, turning back to face them. "They just can't stop giving me new titles can they? First Quidditch Captain, now this?"

"Alright, alright, you sound like an absolute prat." Sirius accused. "Calm down, don't want you to get too big for your boots just yet. Still have to get through this year."

"And I'll be absolutely fine. So what do you reckon, boys, we get to unpacking and then to planning?"

"It is a big year." Peter nodded thoroughly. He was looking a bit more tanned this year and he had hardly seen his friends all summer. Considering the raging wizarding war taking place in their country, his parents had seen it fit to take him away for the summer and so, they went over to America to visit family, in an altogether boring holiday like he couldn't believe. "We have to go out with a bang. Fireworks? Those one from Zonko's?"

"We already did that. Second year." Remus pointed out. "We've got to do something different."

"And you're the one who protests against all this shit when it comes to it." Sirius was grinning, shaking his head as black, curly hair fell into his eyes. He pulled it back with his fingers. "But look at you now. You've blossomed."

"That's about the gayest shit I've ever heard you say."

"Fuck off, you're my boyfriend, so can you not?"

"Can you two shut the hell up?" James glared back at them. He faltered for a moment, even though there were small, teasing smiles covering their expressions. "Listen, I'm not... I'm not... you're just both really annoying."

𝗽𝗶𝘅𝗶𝗲 𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄, james potterWhere stories live. Discover now