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-: seventh year :-


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"REST OF THE WEEK IN DETENTION." James said, almost triumphantly, as he slid into the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, late, sitting down besides Sirius. "Got another bollocking from McGonagall, all about how she expected more from me in my final year and what not, but I'm still Head Boy and only got ten points off on top of it."

"Mr..." Professor Loughty looked up from his desk.

"Potter." James grinned, catching the eye of a certain girl still sat at the very front. "James Potter. Head boy?"

"Dickhead." Sirius shook his head.

"There's hardly twenty minutes of the lesson left, Mr Potter." Loughty looked more than confused. "Where have you-"

"Head boy duties." James drawled as he smirked, settling in his seat. "Just ask McGonagall later. Now, what have I missed? Still going over the contents of the year."

"We've been going through the first chapter of the textbook, Mr Potter." Loughty still looked mightily concerned over the matter - which was truly a tragedy and very telling of how their year was set to continue. Several grimaces of distaste in their study being interrupted faced James as he leant back in his chair, still grinning. "You've missed a good chunk of learning, I'll have to speak to Professor McGonagall about this, ensure that you get all of your lesson time."

"Primarily my fault, sir." James shrugged. "Wasn't too sure on the parameters of my duties as Head Boy, just had to make sure I was getting everything right. It won't happen again."

"Liar." Peter hummed.

"I should hope so, Mr Potter." Professor Loughty cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable. That was another thing about becoming teacher to them so late; unlike third years, or even fifth years, seventh years sat before him as fully grown adults, still under the thumb of education until they could go out and explore the world. There was little sense of his authority here, unlike the second years he had first that morning.

Well, certainly a lack of promise in his authority to the group of four Gryffindor boys at the back of the class. Sirius made a face at the weak attempt of trying to pull the class together and James nudged him. Wordlessly, Sirius slid his textbook over to James.

"This is Potions." James muttered, frowning.

"Yeah, I've been pretending to make notes on Veritaserum for the past however long." Sirius replied.

"Can't believe neither of you have your books." Remus whispered, shaking his head as he stretched his legs out in front of him, quill scratching as he continued to write down key information. "We just had Defence before lunch."

"Everyone knows you don't need anything for the first lesson." James replied. "Didn't know we had a second until lunch, and we all know that I was busy."

"What did you get, then?" Peter asked.

"Week's worth of detention at seven every evening... she said something about cleaning the trophy cabinet again, so I suppose I'll be doing that again." James whispered back, all too merrily. "Ten points off Gryffindor as well, for the 'blatant rule breaking', because apparently we're not allowed to use the spells they teach us. Didn't seem too bothered by it though, after I told her what Snivellus had said."

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