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A cold, cold night here in this big trashy city, the annoying and extra bright street lights and lights coming from the annoying boards hanging from the building. This city was too flashy to be a dump. But Cash didn't really mind, he grew up here, and this was his room even though he fucking hates it. He hates this place because he can't really see the main colors of it... The lights around the bars and clubs are usually lit green... Green is the color Cash hates the most, he despises the color green, with a strong passion. He doesn't like the mention of that color. He wants to hurt anyone with the eye color green, he wants to stab anyone wearing the color green... He annoys him, and it burns with hatred.

Cash can't see the color green, no when he looks at grass, or anything that's green, all he sees is a dull color of gray. Everything around him is mostly gray. It's annoying. This world he lives in is horrible. In this crappy world, some people are born with a soulmate, a soulmate with a certain eye color, you don't get to see that color until you meet your soulmate. Not everyone has a soulmate some people can see all colors and don't have a lifelong partner that was made especially for them.

Cash is surprised he even has someone made for him, someone out there with the eye color of green. But honestly, Cash could give two shits about them. He's 30, and he recently turned 30, who the hell hasn't found their soulmate at 30? Everyone he knew found them either in school or in their late or mid-20s. Cash is so used to being alone that he doesn't really want a soulmate, he doesn't want someone to love. Someone who is going to need his attention, affection, and time. He has no time to give anyone.

The world is shitty because of the soulmate thing, but it's also shitty because the world decides to throw in a mixture of ugly and bloodthirsty creatures. Little damn demons who come out at night to prey on people. They have weird ass forms, some are tiny little gremlins, and others that look like big lizard-like things. They're annoying to kill and take a lot of strength. But Cash has been killing these things since he was 15.

Cash was busy hunting those damn monsters, and he was basically a criminal. He doesn't have a license to hunt these things. It's not a job he does to save people, to keep the city safe. He could care less about people, fuck people they ain't worth his life. But he does hunt the monsters for money, easy money, he takes the bodies of the creatures to an underground market. That's how he makes a living. It's easy. Especially since he's done it for so long.

Having a soulmate and doing this shady job, isn't the best mix. He's too busy making money and living a chill life to be in love. Plus he knows his soulmates hate him. Especially since Cash has Heterochromia. His left eye is blue whereas his right eye is red. Yes red, it was a mutation problem with his eyes since birth, it turned red because of a disease he had when he was a baby.

Could you imagine not being able to see the color red or blue? They couldn't even look up and enjoy the clear blue sky. His poor soulmate was just living in a gray world because of him.

"You look like shit." Cash turned his head to the side, a cigarette dangling from his lips, he was leaning against a dirty wall in the alleyway, waiting for his partner River.

She looked lovely tonight, she wore her 5-inch knee-high black boots, her jeans skin tight, and she had her usual black leather jacket zipped up halfway, showing off her cleavage.

"And you look beautiful." Cash says. "Where's Myah?"

"She's too tired." River grins, her long black bangs hiding the left side of her face. Cash could see her dull fake gray eyes. He says fake because he knows River has green eyes, but he can't see them. They're just gray and boring.

Cash chuckles. "Date went well?" Cash asked. River has been his long-term partner in this gig for 8 years, she's a fun girl. Wild and strong. She found her soulmate 2 years ago. Myah. Myah was the complete opposite of River. River was this tall and independent girl, she was a wildcard. She was insane, the most insane girl he knew, she was a lot to keep up with and Myah, Myah is a damn sweetheart, too sweet to be killing monsters for money. She was friendly, loved making friends, she enjoyed going out and making new memories. They're the complete opposite but they fit together well.

River had pale skin with long blonde hair, and she always had red-stained lips. She always had this edgy look. Myah had curly brown hair that stayed wild and untamed, she had tan skin, and she was all-natural in her looks. Myah has never been River type of girl, same with River. Myah was only into men until she met River. It's weird how this soulmate thing works, it's so random, the personalities, the looks, and the gender.

Cash knows the sick and fucked up Gods would make his soulmate a male. Cash isn't into men, not his thing. He isn't homophobic, hell the man who took him in at 15 and who raised him as his own is the gayest creature he has ever met. Just not his style. He likes women, but taking away two colors from his soulmate and being 30 is such a cruel joke having a male soulmate wouldn't even surprise him.

But it wouldn't even matter if he didn't want anything to do with his soulmate. He doesn't care about ever seeing the color green.

"Hmm, really well." River grins. "Couldn't sleep?"

"Nah," Cash says, as he flicks his cigarette bud onto the ground. "The usual."

"Poor baby," River says. "Where is Dallas?"

"He's already at the spot, we gotta meet him there." Cash says as he starts to walk down the street, River follows.

"What level are the monsters?" River asked.

"32." Cash answers.

"Easy," River says with a fake pout. "You can handle a level 32 on your own."

"I could handle at least 5 of those on my own, but there's more than 5." Cash says shoving his hands into his coat pocket.

"Ugh, you and Dallas could handle this on your own while I go back to my girlfriend." River sighs.

"Quit bitchin'. Let's just head there, get it done and yah can go back and finish fucking ya girl alright?" Cash says glancing at River.

"Ugh fine." River nudges Cash in the side. "I can't wait til you meet your soulmate and whine about missing them, I can't wait to tell you to shut the fuck up."

"Pft, I doubt that will ever happen." Cash chuckle.

"Yeah, Cuz you have better things than a soulmate," River says rolling her eyes.

"I don't have the time." Cash says with a sigh. River was always on his ass about soul mates.

"Hmm, but you have the time for Lydia," River says.

Cash grunts at the name. River always has to mention her. "She just warms my bed on stressful nights."

"Sure. I just can't wait until you throw her out when you meet your soulmate." River says. Cash is aware of how much River hates Lydia, he gets it, but he is tired of hearing it. He doesn't say anything. There's nothing he can say she will always hate Lydia and that's fine. Lydia wasn't important, she was just a fun fuck, and she was too annoying to be in a serious relationship. He couldn't love the girl, he barely liked her. She was someone who was willing to give herself to him, someone who would lay with him and let him release all of the tensions and stress he'd been feeling, she also helped his sleepless night. She's nothing more than someone who can ease his needs. It works out since he's not planning on being in love and she was born to see every color... She doesn't have a soulmate, she isn't assigned to anyone.

Cash pulled his pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, and lit one. He's so tired of hearing about soulmates. He just wants to kill some monsters, go to the underground market, and get his money so he can head home and sleep. That's all he wants. He wants nothing else... Nothing else.

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