Dallas blew smoke outside of his bedroom window, the sun was rising, and he needed to get dressed. Caleb will be on his way to pick him up so they can on this damn cruise. He doesn't want to go, for many reasons. Dallas leans his head against the wall, staring out the window. "You look so emo." Candace teased as she walked into the bedroom, freshly showered, she was wearing one of Dallas's shirts. She was drying her hair with a towel.
"Thanks." He said while putting his cigarette out.
She came over out of the blue late last night, and before he could ask why she was here she kissed him, distracting him from his thoughts for a moment. He tried to enjoy the kiss, get lost in her wet, plump lips, but he couldn't. It felt off, and kissing her felt wrong. So wrong, he thought about Caleb and how it feels kissing him.
Candace's lips were soft and smooth; Caleb's were rough, less plump than hers. The way her tongue swirled around his was cute, the way she would play with his tongue. But Caleb, was rough, shoving his tongue into Dallas's mouth to the point he'll choke. She would run her hands through his hair, Caleb would yank his hair, and how he'd wrap his large hands around his throat. Tightening his hold.
Dallas sighs as he shakes his head, he needs to stop thinking about that damn bastard... Especially when he's here with her.
"Are you sure you're ready to be on a Cruise?" Candace asked as she tossed the towel in the laundry bin.
"I'll be fine," Dallas says closing his window, and stepping over to his bags, making sure he packed everything.
"You get seasick dummy." She says with a giggle. "You're going to have an awful time."
Dallas sighs. "I got seasick once... I doubt it'll be this bad, plus it was on a boat, not a ship... It'll be different."
"That's not how that works," Candace says shaking her head. She walks over to him, wrapping her arms around him. "Do you want to try again?" She asked. Oh yeah, they couldn't have sex last night, he couldn't get it up, and he blamed it on being tired and overworked and nervous about the cruise... But Dallas knows why he couldn't get hard... But he doesn't want to say it out loud, he doesn't want to tell her.
"Caleb, be here any moment," Dallas says, placing his hands on her hips.
She fake pouts. "Just a quickie?" She asked.
"Candace." He says with a smirk. "I would love to, but I don't want him walking in on me fucking you."
"Why not? Let him watch." She says teasingly, pecking his lips.
Dallas sighs. "Not, sorry that's a boner killer for sure."
Candace laughed, and she pulled away. "Fine... But when you get back, I want you to fuck me." She says with a wink as she walks out of the room.
Candace headed into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water; she glanced over Dallas's place. His place is always clean, but it seemed to be too clean... like it was untouched... Has he not been home lately? She noticed the loads of laundry he was doing when she showed up.
She also noticed that deep-ass bite mark on his neck... And one on his nipples... Is he sleeping with Caleb? Candace squeezed the bottle she was holding. She can't be mad... She can't be mad, nope... She has no right to be angry; Caleb is his soulmate. He's allowed to fuck the guy, but he hates it... She missed it when Dallas was her... All hers...
Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door, since Dallas was busy at the moment, she walked over to the door and opened it. She almost wanted to scream in anger seeing Caleb standing in front of her. "Oh, hey." She says with a smirk. She knows Dallas probably ditched Caleb for her last night.
Caleb's eyes narrowed when he saw Candace; she was not the person he wanted to see; it almost made him angry, so he walked past her and entered the apartment. "Yoo." He said casually. He's not very happy seeing Candace here. Did they fuck?
Caleb noticed she was wearing Dallas's shirt, only his shirt; he watched as she made her way into the kitchen; she seemed to know her way through his apartment. He didn't like that either. Caleb walks into Dallas's room, Dallas is putting his shoes on.
"Is she the reason you bailed on coming over last night?" Caleb asked.
Dallas looks up at Caleb. "What? No, I needed to do laundry and shit."
"Why is she here then?" Caleb asked.
"Why does it fucking matter if she's here?" Dallas asked as he stood up.
"I just want to know why she's constantly attached to your hip," Caleb said with a glare.
Dallas arches a brow. "Why the fuck do you care?" Dallas asked with his eyes narrowed.
Caleb towered over Dallas his eyes dark. "Why do I care? It's fucking irritating when you latched yourself on to her. Still; she's not your soulmate Dally."
Dallas laughed bitterly at that. "Are you fucking jealous?" Dallas asked, he poked Caleb's chest hard. "Are you serious right now? Wow, I jerked you off a couple of times, and now you're so attache,d, huh?" Dallas says.
Caleb's eyes narrowed, and he grabbed Dallas by the collar of his shirt. "I'm getting real fucking tired of that fucking attitude of yours."
Dallas smirks. "Do something about it."
Caleb slammed Dallas up against the wall and kissed him roughly. Dallas gasped into the kiss, but he immediately gave in to the kiss. Dallas liked being able to rile up Caleb so easily, it was exhilarating for him. Angry Caleb was probably a turned-on for him.
Caleb's hands went up Dallas's shirt, pulling at his nipples. Caleb realized Dallas was sensitive here, and it was really fun to get a reaction out of him; Dallas moaned into the kiss. Caleb opened his eyes, not breaking from the kiss; he glanced to the side, seeing Candace with a shocked expression on her face and sadness in her eyes. He didn't care.
She quickly turned away leaving the room. Caleb smirks into the kiss, he pulls away. "We're going to be late... Get your things."
Dallas pants slightly, he looks up at Caleb, disappointment written all over his face. "What?"
"Get your bags, we need to head to the damn spot," Caleb said.
Julia excitedly looked around as she stepped onto the ship, she grinned widely. "Wow, it's so big!" She says looking around, twirling a little. Sebastian was following her, their bags in hand. "Let's head to the rooms quick and we can explore." He speaks.
"Oh! I'm curious about the rooms!" She says with an excited squeal; she looks at Sebastian; he's usually wearing a black T-shirt or a suit, but today he's wearing a white T-shirt with shorts... He looked very hot. A lot of his tattoos are showing. "Hey, so uhm... Are we sharing a room?" She asked. She wouldn't mind it; she doesn't want to sleep with him yet... Well, maybe a little, but she wants to get to know him better.
"Yeah." He said walking down the hall, with her following. "Unless that makes you uncomfortable and I'll arrange the staff to get you a room."
"No! It's fine." She says following into the room, it was bigger than she thought, and she gasps as she slips into the room. "Oh my God! Did you get us the biggest room!?"
"We're in the VIP area." He said setting the suitcases down. "Dallas and Caleb are rooming next door while Cash and Phoenix are rooming in the room next to them."