2. Good Girl.

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the next day i told frank everything that happened in art class.
- HAHA OH MY FUCKING GOD, NO FUCKING WAY! - he loudly said, laughing a little as his mouth was open wide. he stared at me like this for a while, as i sighed annoyed with the whole situation.
- dude don't laugh, now he knows what i think of him. that's so fucking embarrassing.. - i said, playing with the sleeves of my blazer. he soon stopped laughing, and rubbed my back.
- well.. maybe you'll end up having a romance with mr. way - he said, moving his eyebrows up and down. i playfully rolled my eyes at him while smiling.
- shut up! - i said and we laughed together.

soon frank was finished with his lunch, and we left the cafeteria. we said our goodbyes and parted our ways. art was up next, and i was so stressed again. i still had some time left till the bell, so i went outside to the back of the school, taking out my cigarettes. i took one, putting it in my mouth and lighting it. i took a drag, leaning on the wall of the building. i sighed, closing my eyes, and taking another drag. soon i heard footsteps coming closer to me, so i opened my eyes. i widened them as i saw mr. way coming my way, i hid the cigarette behind my back, playing it cool. he stood next to me, laughing to himself. soon he got out a cigarette, and he lit it.

- i already saw you smoke y/n - he said, smirking a little. i rolled my eyes playfully, taking another drag. i tried to look anywhere but at mr. way, i was so embarrassed about yesterday.
- how old are you? - i questioned him, trying to make a conversation. he raised one of his eyebrows, crossing his arms at his chest. he took a drag on his cigarette, before answering my question.
- 25 - i nodded before finishing my cigarette.
- what about you? - he added, as i looked up at him from the grass.
- i'm 18 - he nodded, smiling at me.
- when's your birthday? - he asked, as i raised my eyebrows a little.
- (your birthday), when's yours?
- mine is april 9th - i smiled, nodding slowly.

when mr. way was done with his cigarette, we walked together to the classroom. i was the only person there, so we sat in an awkward silence.
- hey y/n... - he said, as i looked up at him from my desk.
- hm? - i hummed in a questioning tone.
- call me gerard whenever we're alone - he smiled, and so did i.
- alright gerard - i said smirking a little.

soon the lesson started, and students filled up the room. gerard gave us all a subject for our drawings; he told us to draw a cartoon character that we like, so obviously i had to draw jack skellington. (SORRY IF U DON'T LIKE HIM)


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(ur drawing lmaooo)

everyone was done with their work after a few minutes, so we just sat in silence, waiting for mr way to start walking around the room. he was still sitting at his desk, writing something on his laptop. after a few seconds, he turned off his laptop, standing up from his chair. he stretched out letting a slight moan escape his mouth, which made me blush a little. he started walking up to me, and just like yesterday he stood right behind me. his warm breath was hitting the nape of my neck, i was going INSANE.

- nice work, y/n - he said, ruffling my hair a little. i giggled, scratching my neck.
- thanks.. - i said akwardly, faking a smile.
- i like jack skellington too actually - he added, and i just nodded. soon he moved on to another student, and another student, and another student...

when he was done with everyone, he walked back to the front.
- you guys did an amazing job, honestly - he said, looking at me for a few seconds. we all just sat in silence, waiting for him to dismiss us.
- anyway, you guys can pack your stuff the bell's gonna ring... - he said as the bell rang. - now. - he continued, as all the students started walking out. just as i was about to leave the classroom, mr way grabbed me and dragged me back into the room.
- did you forget something? - he said, making me turn around to face him. i raised my eyebrow, looking around.
- no? - i said confused, as he face palmed.
- i meant your detention dummy - he laughed, soon taking the hand off of his forehead. i laughed awkwardly as well, before he closed the door.
we both sat down, as i started playing with my hands.

- i really liked your drawing - he broke the silence, as i looked up at him from my desk.
- thank you sir - i said as he rolled his eyes while smiling.
- i already told you y/n, call me gerard when we're alone - he corrected me, as i scratched my neck from embarrassment.
- alright.. i forgot. sorry mr- uh gerard. - i said, as he flashed me a smile.
- good girl - he said, putting his hand on the crotch of his jeans. i widened my eyes a little, i bet he didn't even notice it. i felt butterflies in my stomach, and i broke our eye contact. he's so fucking hot. i bit my bottom lip, looking to the right.

- c-can i use the bathroom? - i said, still without the courage to look back at him.
- mhm - he responded, as i heard him stand up and walk up to the door. - come on - he added, as i finally looked back at him shyly. i stood up, taking my messenger bag with me, and i opened the door. i started walking to the bathroom, when i heard someone walking right behind me, i turned around just to face gerard.
- can't i go alone? - i asked slightly furrowing my eyebrows. he smiled at me, shaking his head. i rolled my eyes sighing, before entering the restroom. at least he didn't go in, he waited outside.

i stood in front of the sink, holding it with my hands.
- oh. my fucking. god. - i said breathlessly, replaying the sight of mr way in my mind. i sighed, completely lost in my thoughts. i shook my head, and drank some water from the sink. when i was done, i fixed my hair in the mirror, and walked out.
mr way was leaning against the wall next to the door, doing something on his phone. i just stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. i coughed, finally earning his attention, as he raised his eyes and brows, before putting his phone back into his pocket.
he didnt say a single word, neither did i. we just walked back to the classroom in silence. i sat down, looking out the window, thinking about gerard.

- hey uh.. - he started speaking, making me look up at him.
- hm? - i hummed, rotating my head slightly.
- this is weird... uh. c-could i get your number? - he asked nervously, as i examined his looks. he was manspreading on his chair, and goddamn did he look hot. i slightly nodded my head, as he flashed me a smile.
- it's (whatever some number) - i said as he typed it into his phone. soon i got a message from him, which read "hey :)". i smiled at it, looking up at him from my phone.

time skip

we sat in silence for like 10 minutes, and soon gerard walked up to my desk, taking a chair and putting it in front of me. he clasped his hands on the desk, as i looked deep into his beautiful hazel eyes.
- so y/n... why don't we get to know each other better? - he proposed while smiling from ear to ear, as i blinked quickly a few times. i thought i misheard him. why would he want to know me better? I'm just a stupid teen, and he's an adult, AND my teacher. besides he probably has a wife and kids, so what's the point of this? friendship? with a student? so confusing. ugh.

i furrowed my brows a little, before speaking.
- um sure.. i guess - i said awkwardly, playing with the sleeves of my blazer.
- cool. alright, sooo...what kind of music do you like? - he questioned me.
- i really like (idk some bands or whatever) - i said as his eyes lit up.
- oh my god! i LOVE (someone)! their music is so good - he said, smiling with his teeth, as he slightly leaned in on my desk. i giggled genuinely at his behaviour.
- what's your favorite song from them? - i asked him, as he stared down deep in thought, biting his bottom lip.
- hm... i think (your fav song from them) - he said nodding a little, before looking back into my eyes.
- really? that's my favorite song too! - i smiled, and so did he.

we talked for a while, before we realized detention was over 20 minutes ago. we said our goodbyes, and we even hugged. i left the classroom, and gerard couldn't leave my mind.

"i think i might like him..."

with you tonight | teacher gerard way x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now