craving for him

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Ishika's pov:

I told him i wanted to ask him some questions to which he smiled and agreed.

"How did you get all these wounds and injuries"i asked in a low voice.

"i got into a fight" he said in a calm voice.

"would you tell me how you got into the fight"iasked.

ofcource our Avinash can not say that he is the mafia king. he thought saying the truth will make her leave him so he decided not to tell her now.

"maybe its not the right time but i promise i will tell you later" he smiled.

"what if i won't be here later" i asked and soon his smiled vanished. he looked angry.

"you will be here"he said and there was a anger in his voice which made me scared.

"how can you be so sure?what if again someone will take me away like Arjun did"i asked in a very low voice.he suddenly stood up and shouted"don't you dare think that . you will be here with me and no one dares to take you away from me".

"but eventually i have to move out of here. i can't stay here day i will move out from here and you have already did enough for me and i can never pay you back so its better that i should leave as soon as possible." i said.

his anger was clearly visible in his voice then he started moving out of the room.
"where are you going? you can' go you are not well"i tried to stop him.

"i am not in mood to talk and you wanted to move out right? you don't want to stay here so go there's a door go where ever you want"saying this he grabbed his phone and left.

i had tears in my eyes.his words here like a needles stabbing my heart. why do i always have to be like this? why can't i make someone stay.why can't i be happiness in someone's life? why does it always have to be me?

At morning he was so happy and now because of me he is angry.i know i have feeling for him but i don't want to suffer like the way i did in past few years.and i don't want him to get hurt by me.i was pushing him away from me because i know he deserves someone better , much much better who will stay with me and make him happy. 

After an hour           

while i was thinking all these Dev bhaiya called me and told me that Abhi was going to london for few days. i was shocked to hear that and he didn't even inform me about this. i was sad that he didn't inform and what broke my heart the most is that he was already on his way to airport.even if i go now i won't be able to reach to him so i had no other options i had to wait for him. i thanked Dev bhaiya for informing me.

i called Abhi but he didn't picked the call. i knew he was angry but still he should have informed me. At the evening again i tried to call him but he didn't picked the call. so left text messages.

text messages:

Abhi please take care of yourself and have you medicine.i know you are angry with me but please don't compromise with your health. have you food on time and sleep on time. don't take more stress please.

Goodnight Abhi.

i sent him text and few minutes later he saw but didn't reply.My heart sank. i wanted to talk to him but he is not ready to listen me. i soon slept crying. then at the morning I woke up to see if Abhi had replied or not but as expected he didn't reply. i was so hurt.  my heart were craving for his presence, my ears were craving for his voice. my eyes were craving to see him. i was craving for him. 

After 4 days

i called Dev bhaiya and asked him how Abhi was because he was still not replying any of my text and calls.

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