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🎶 ♥️

I miss you
Come here
YG is better

I miss you too

I don't miss you
See you every day

Every freaking day

Come here


I'll cook

Thank you!
Wanna bring someone? 😉


Find someone
Dongsun what are you doing at the company?


You're useless

Sooa was laughing when Mark entered the studio. She sat straight and greeted him

"Laughing alone? Are you going crazy?"

"You were the one who thought me the Yuta spell and I'm the one going crazy?"

"It's a good spell" he smiled " I need your help"

"Hmmm say please 3 times" she teased him

"Please, please, please" he's now showing her the puppy eyes

"What's wrong? Is Hana?"

"No... it's work related." He answered making her look away, then he got worried she took his words in the wrong away "not that I only think of you about work- I just nee- you get what I mean? You're my friend but now- gosh I'm horrible at this"

As he was rambling Sooa was smiling so hard, he looked at her smile and stop talking.

"Tell me"

"I'm working on my solo.... And I thought you could help me"

"You're already overworked and you thought it was a good idea one more thing?" He nodded "I'll help"

"Are you sure?" He was surprised, it would take a lot of her time and didn't want to be a burden for her

"Sit down scoter boy, let's work" she winked at him making him laugh

Sooa open her computer, showing him some beats she made as Mark was trying to explain what he wanted for his comeback.

After hitting a slump, Mark looked at the time and saw they were working for a long time.

"Are you hungry?" He asked but before she could say anything her belly answer for her "I'll take that as an yes" he smiled

At the cafeteria, they sat and started eating. Sooa was talking about what she could try to do to match the wish energy for his song while he stood there listening to her.

"I'm being boring aren't I?"

"What?! No"

"You aren't speaking.... I'm sorry, just music is really my life-" she was gonna ramble even more but Mark put his hand over hers

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