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The manager is going crazy

I don't care about that
I care that your crazy fans don't go after Sooa

That won't happen because SM will fire me

They won't

I won't let them
Don't worry guys

Where are you?

Still in Mark's room

I'm so sorry
I didn't saw anyone
I should've been more careful
I'm sorry too Mark

Well at least the scandal is not with your actual boyfriend

Yeah... I don't think that's better

At least I had a good night
Now is hell

Mark did good 😏

Shut up
We slept

I do too

Don't tease us
I can't join today
My stress levels are up

Call Iseul for a job at YG

Dongsun sent me an "allowance" and Iseul ask me for my resume
They're taking care of me

You're not changing companies babe

Bobby is there
I won't mind
It's not like we're gonna break up

Is it weird texting while being in the same room?

A little bit

What we're gonna do?

Don't know what to do
The manager is coming here to talk to us

Tell us after what happened

"This sucks" Sooa said laying down on his bed "I ruin everything... why did I came here?"

"For me?" He said caressing her cheek

"If you told me about you going to the hospital, I wouldn't be here"

"Sorry, are you mad at me?"

"Not mad per say but you should've told me.... I felt and idiot when Ten told me"

"I didn't want to mess with your job. It was just tiredness. I'm ok now" he leaned down and kissed her " see? All good"

"One more" Sooa said "I need to make sure you're ok"

Before Mark's brain could catch up with the situation, he found himself leaning in, pulled by some magnetic force he couldn't explain.

And Sooa? Well, she met him halfway, and their lips did this perfect little, sweet kiss that somehow said everything they hadn't been able to put into words.

Their world was a mess right now and will probably suffer some changes after she was seen with Haechan, but in that moment, it felt like everything just clicked into place.

They didn't pulled back, instead Sooa grabbed his collar and pulled him even closer to her.

This was one of those kisses that you just know will be seared into your memory, and both of them didn't wanted to stop.

Mark and Sooa, tangled up in each other's arms, when suddenly they heard a knock on the door.

"And we're back to reality" she said rolling her eyes

Mark laughs and gets up to open the door, like their suspicion it's the manager and boy he looks angry.

When the photos of Haechan and Sooa, talking and walking into the hotel , made it to the internet – well, let's just say it caused more buzz than a beehive in a frenzy.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" the manager bellowed, phone in hand, already scrolling through the flood of notifications. "This isn't just about you and your...romantic dates. Haechan's in this now, and the fans are going wild with speculation!"

"I'm sorry" Sooa got up and bowed "but Haechan was walking in too and we bump into each other"

"She's not at fault!" Mark was trying to protected her as he sensed his wrath was towards her "she came to check on me. We didn't know people were outside taking photos.

"I'll talk to Haechan," the manager said. "We'll sort it out, make sure everyone knows it's all a big misunderstanding, or do you want to come public?"

"Public?" Marks repeats not knowing the answer "babe you decide"


"If you can, Mark has rehearsals. But a warning... you may lose your job"

"She won't" Mark said with a steady voice

"I don't know"

"You decide. Just tell me after the concert, you'll have time to think" Mark said

The manager stopped to take a deep breath, looking at Mark " ok. Sooa this is my number. Text me when you decide what to do. And WE have to go"

"Bye" he gave a soft kiss on Sooa lips but she was dumbfounded about his action towards this situation

NCT G 💃🏻

So me and Mark were in the middle of a hot make out session and his manager came
And now I wanna pissed at Mark

Hot make out?
Here for it

I'm not
He's such a jerk
He left me alone in his room with a big decision

What decision?

What to do
We go public?
We just say me and Haechan are friends
I don't fucking know

Honey breathe
We're here

I'm here in this room for 8 hours!
I can't go outside because of this photos

127 are free today
Wanna do a game day through FaceTime?
I know they're down for it

That would help

Texting Taeil
Distract your head

I need it
How can he put such big responsibility on my shoulders ?

He's a boy
He probably didn't thought about it that way
If you want to go public we're here

I don't want to lose my job
So maybe just go the easy way and say we're friends

You and Haechan

Only you to have a scandal with a person than not your actual boyfriend

Tell me about it


Just make a statement that I work with the boys and I'm friends with Haechan.
I'm here with them on tour.
Is it enough?

You made a wise choice

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