chapter nine

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liked by dracomalfoy, pantspants and others

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liked by dracomalfoy, pantspants and others

maeblack 🎶 think i like u best when you're just with me & no one else 🎶

mione new necklace???
maeblack yess 🤍
mione looks pretty

silasblack you found it again?
maeblack no someone gifted me with a new one
silasblack who?
pantspants 😏

daphssss ohhh such a pretty woman

theo 🤍

thank you for the necklace,
it really means a lot to me🤍

thank you teddy 🫶🏼

theo 🤍
it's nothing

theo I'm sorry I said it
like that, I mean it with we
aren't together

but ofc we are something!!
theo you dummy, i like you

theo 🤍
like like you like you or
just like you?

too many likes for me but
i like you more than just a
friend theo

theo 🤍
perfect because I like you
like that too

theo 🤍
since the moment you
helped me out

I thought it was when I
painted your back

you said it was a massage like
I was sent from heaven

theo 🤍
I always liked you mae,
this act makes it just a clearer

you are a funny guy

so know that we ruined
everything already, how
about you coming over?

theo 🤍
we still could be secret,
I really like you mae and
just because your father could
be against us doesnt stop me

not could, he def is

theo 🤍
he doesn't know me, he only
knows my father

I know he's just very careful when
it comes to his only daughter

he is like this to everyone, but
you are different I know that

theo 🤍
I'm different? Just because
I bear the Nott name?

my father has history with yours,
but you are different to me than
the others I tried him to met

theo 🤍
different how?

Theo i like you really

theo 🤍
thats what I want to hear
I like you really too 😋

stupid boy

theo 🤍
Y'know you love me

theo 🤍
but I seriously can make
us work, nobody will know

theo 🤍
I'm trying to be more careful
okay? Like we're a little secret

is this really worth it for
you? all this just for a girl?

theo 🤍
mae you're not just any
girl, you're different and
yes all this just for you, for us

theo 🤍
so can I come over?

door is always open for you

chapter nine
mhh somehow I prefer to
write about sad/angry things,
everything here seems tooooo
perfect to me... 🤨

AGAINST ALL ODDS - Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now