chapter twenty nine

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mae, I got a letter from dad.
he says he's getting better

that's good news, I guess

he mentioned that he's getting
treatment and making progress.
he sounded very optimistic..

I'm glad he's fighting through
it. It's just a lot to process

we'll get through this together,
even if you're far away, we'll always
be family, no matter where
life takes us

thank you, silas, can you still
take an eye on theo for me, or
idk update me? the girls think
it's stupid, I'm mostly leaving
because of him

I'm sorry, but I can't, I shouldn't
it's not healthy just try to get better
don't think about him like he doesn't
think about you....

I know, it's just hard to
let go of what we had

I know but it'll get better, mae
you have to do this, it is what's right
for you, he won't change...

okay thank you, silas, I don't
say it enough but I'm really lucky to
have you as a brother

the feeling's mutual, mayonnaise
and about Theo, easy if he's treating
you poorly, he doesn't deserve you.

It's not his fault, Silas.
He can't remember.

regardless, he should've treated
you better. You deserve respect
and kindness.

your support means the world
to me, silas but that isn't my
theo that is acting that way, it
is the drugs...

I know i'm sorry, if you ever
want to talk, I'm here and
I'll come visit you in france

daphne always wanted to go
there, so double win 

thank you

take your time, sis. we'll face
whatever comes our way together
we always do


chapter twenty nine
I'm having a flow

AGAINST ALL ODDS - Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now