2am tipsy.

9 2 0

punish me,
for learning to love.

i sit as the man wearing the hat,
talks to me softly though the memories of you.
ones that could hurt me again,
and ones that burns little holes in my brain
whenever your name is whispered.

my company that surrounds me,
loathes with hate with venom towards you,
but as the words form
at the tip of my tongue,
the tip of the iceberg,
is only breaking.

i cannot stop,
for grieving a person
with a heart still beating
and memories being made
without me,
is like watching the world
wilt from my fingertips.

i burned for you
oh, and you burned for me.
until the water from the tears that
fled my cheeks,
filled with hurt,
killed the fire that kindled us together.


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