dying dreams, quicksand and girl who is only sixteen.

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i don't think this life with ever be enough for me.
the constant swimming pools
filled to the brim with pain,
is something i don't think i can ever drain.

the burning desire to be someone different
grabbing the knife and constantly killing
whatever holding me afloat.

its like i'm stuck in quicksand.
slowly sinking into the black hole that is my soul of the person i was five years ago.

beautiful and sixteen.

that girl had a life ahead of her,
yet, there was a similarity
between us if you put me
and her in a room together.

we both have that same deadpan stare
with nothing left in our eyes.

we share the end of a dying dream
the firsts of many disappointments
and the lasts of nothing being anything we want it to be.

but we are both
standing at the end of the noose,
that we tied together,
wanting for the chair to drop.

until the end of our bloodline
dies because of the last sacrifice
i couldn't fully recover.

because of the forsaken
promises that left the mouths
of people who meant nothing to me,
but meant everything to her.

- zmh

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