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kenji pov

I was walking yet again to the gym i have to train more than ever if i don't wanna get left behind

I saw ippo next the door with aoki and Kimura slowly walking towards him

Suddenly aoki did the thousands years of death on ippo

Kenji: "(i better check what going on)" i said walking to them

Aoki: "huh! Didn't you know being goosed help to get you relaxed"

Ippo: "huh! You must be joking" ippo said as i slowly approach them

Kimura: "i am shocked i thought everyone in the world knew that" Kimura said with a serious expression

Kenji:"that true, even Boxing champs would make sure to goose themselves before every match "i said appearing behind them

Ippo:" uh is that true?Well.... "

Aoki: "i am aoki"

Kimura: "and i am kimura"

Kenji: "and i am the great kenji"

Ippo: "Aoki-san Kimura-san and Kenji-san please forgive me for doubting you! " he said bowing down

The three of us looks at him quite surprised

Kimura: "hey! Do they usually fall for something like this" he whispered to us

Aoki: "no i don't think so which means"

Kenji: "this kid is gonna be fun to miss with for sure"

We said as ippo opened the gym door

Yagi was waiting in front of the door

Yagi: "hello, good to see you again i am yagi the general manager of this gym" he said walking to ippo

Ippo: "i am pleased to meet you sir" he said bowing down again

Kenji: "(this kid is so polite it scary)"

Yagi: "let cut to the chase in regards of your training" he said but i suddenly wrapped my arm around ippo shoulder

Aoki and Kimura were next to me

Kenji: "leave him to us"

Kimura: "let go new guy"

Aoki: "come with us"

Kenji: "don't worry we will make a boxer out of you"i said as we walked him with us

Yagi:" hey you guys..! "he said a list worried

Kenji:" take some rest yagi-san i am here to make sure they don't do anything dumb"

Yagi: "you three can't just act on your own"

He said as we walked to another room

Ippo: "are you guys going to be teaching me" he asked

Aoki: "yes don't worry we will fill your heads with the basics"

Kenji: "forgot the basics i make you a pro in no time!"

Yagi: "hey!" he said still slowly following us

Ippo: "so what kinda of training are we doing"

Kimura: "just some basic training"

Aoki: "yea you be running around and stuff"

Ippo: "what about sandbag training"

Kenji: "if you wanna early retirement sure.... Relax kid you only know how to throw jabs so far.. It won't get you anywhere"

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