Horny Bedtimes

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a/n: the first and third part of this fic is in first person, second part isn't because it's Vanessa viewing you, lmk if it's weird. Also the title is cringe so ignore that LOL I'm so uncreative pls :')

Content/Warnings: fluff, smut (soft), top!Vanessa, bottom!femreader, established relationship, implied consent given beforehand, Vanessa coming home late so she fucks reader in her sleep to make up for it

w/c: 1339

I looked out the window. Nothing. I glance to my side to read the clock that blares '23:48'. Vanessa was late in getting back home for the third time this week in a row. I was starting to forget how she looked, how she sounded when she first wakes up. How she would reply sparingly to my rants before we went to bed because she was too busy brushing her hands through my hair or softly dragging her fingers down my stomach. I sigh, annoyed but not surprised. Being an officer meant either an 8-hour roster or a 12-hour roster; lately, it seemed like Vanessa was getting more 12-hour shifts than anything.

I pout at my blank phone. She hadn't even *read* the message. I swallowed the rest of the red wine in the glass and made my way to the bedroom, anxious. Though we had been dating for half a year already, I never wanted to seem like the clingy girlfriend. I mean, sure, I'd act as Vanessa's good little housewife by preparing all her foods so she didn't have to run on coffee whilst on her shifts, as well as decorating our shared apartment we got one month after dating, but that was just because all girl relationships move quickly. Still, I couldn't help double- triple- quadruple texting her and demanding her to return home.

I bit my lip as I changed out of her brown sweater, groaning at the deep scent of vanilla she used. Naked, I glance across at both of our closets in search of something to wear to please her. I debate over putting on an oversized tee and calling it a day when an idea strikes me.

I get into bed instead of changing. The clock now read 12 a.m. on the dot. If she can't stick to the time she says she'll be back, it's on her for missing out.


Vanessa quietly moved throughout her shared home with you, placing her keys on a placement instead of the counter in case it disturbed you. She, admittedly, had forgotten her phone at her office and only realized how much deep shit she was in when she came back from her patrol, reading 24 messages and 5 missed calls all dating back an hour ago. She didn't take off her police jacket and belt immediately as she usually did; instead, she made a beeline for the bedroom door.

As she creaked it open, her heart skipped a beat when she saw the top of your head deep in her pillow, your hair softly falling onto her side of the bed. She watched from a distance as she listened to your breathing, smiling to herself as you twitched and changed your position. The movement caused the sheet to fall off your collar and be caught by the top of your breasts.

Vanessa's breath hitched. She walked towards you and slowly pulled down the bedsheet, revealing your naked body. Swallowing, she moved the hair out of your face and glanced at your parted lips and blushed cheeks.

"All this for me, huh", she sighed, caressing your stomach. She moved her hands up, carefully watching in case you woke up, and began working on your breasts. She squeezed and pulled on them, her eyes twinkling from the way you shuddered in your sleep.

"You're feeling this in your dream, poor baby", she murmured, standing up to change into something more comfortable. Vanessa returned to you after placing her badge on the bedside table and ran her fingers from your inner thighs straight to your folds. Her gaze burned into your pussy, grinning as the tips of her fingers swirling around your clit caused you to jolt. Your breathing had become more rapid as she started to ease them into your entrance. The more she pumped, the louder a squelching sound was emitted. She stared at your resting face as it became more twisted and hungry, mentally burning the image of you like this into her mind. She toyed with your wet pussy, laughing darkly as she tried to fight your walls pulling her fingers back in whenever she pretended to remove them.

"I know, I know", she said, "This isn't much fun. You've waited so long for me, haven't you?". Vanessa leaned in and brushed her lips over your mouth.

"I think you deserve a reward"


I licked my mouth, then frowned. "What the-", I thought, feeling something hard swirl around my lips. As I tried to lick it again to determine what it was, I felt my lips being parted and what felt like two long fingers slowly emerge into my mouth. My brain still foggy, I couldn't make out anything except a voice drifting me away from my dream, holding me down to reality. I sucked complicity whilst I felt someone shift above me. As I was becoming more aware, I became acutely informed that my stomach felt like it was on fire and my thighs were sticky.

Opening my eyes, my vision landed on the outline of a blonde woman moving one hand rapidly between my pussy and her other hand being removed from my mouth.

"Hi", she purred. My eyelashes fluttered. "Vanessa?", I question. Before she could answer, I suddenly gasp and arch my back, feeling overwhelmed from the sudden gain of feeling as she was practically fisting me; four fingers were being forced into me at a brutal pace whilst a thumb was applying pressure on my clit.

I shut my eyes, crying out Vanessa's name over and over. "Too much?" she asked gently, sucking on my neck as I switch between grinding against her hand and trying to push it away. I shook my head, taking deep breaths at the abruptness of being fingered after just waking up.

She pulled her head away from me. Fuck, she looked absolutely sinful at this angle. Her lips were plump and her eyes looked animalistic. I met her eyes through my lashes, trying my best to keep them over. She trailed one of her fingers across my lips before leaning forward and biting down. I choked back a sob I was unable to hold it in anymore. She quickly broke apart from my lips, sensing this, and asked, "Do you want to cum like this? Or do you want my tongue?". I whimper. Vanessa grabbed my face. "Answer".

"Tongue", I manage to reply shyly.

She quickly pulled out of my pussy, causing it to spasm, and crashed her face against it. I stop moaning and throw my head back, my mouth left in a silent 'o' shape, as she spits and laps up my pussy. Juices dribble from my cunt to her jaw, my legs shaking as I approach my orgasm.

"Vanessa- FUCK, I'm close", I yelp, grabbing onto her ponytail and pushing her further into my wet pussy. She wraps her hands comfortingly around my thighs and sucks on my clit so harshly that all I see are stars. My vision turns completely white as I come hard on her face, gasping for breath as I go limp.

She laps at my fluid, stopping to let in a breath. She moves her head up to mine and smiles as I moan at the taste of my cum when we kiss. Groaning into my mouth, she breaks apart and rubs my thighs supportingly. "Water?", she asks, not waiting for an answer and she grabs a bottle off a nearby table and brings it to me.

I sit up, sipping lightly before flopping back down. Vanessa waits a few seconds before cleaning me up. I stare at her as she finishes up, pouting when she grabs my hand to kiss it lovingly.

"I still don't forgive you"

Vanessa arched her brow. "Yeah? What about now?", she peppered my face with kisses, giggling as I squealed.

"Maybe a little more now"

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