Chapter 1__ The Graduation day

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Kulsum's POV-

I was posing in my grand graduation robe and the hat with my friends, today is my graduation day and I'm the happiest girl alive in this campus.

I've been waiting for this moment for 4 years. Now I've finally accomplished my dream of becoming a psychologist with M.A. degree.

"I can't believe we finally graduated!" Amirah my best friend exclaimed and skipped in excitement.
"Now the second step in our bucket list is to go on a world tour and get ourselves a perfect Boyfriend." She squealed in excitement.

At this I frowned. It has been my dream to travel the world and be with someone I love.
Which is not a very difficult task for most people, but for me the fate is not in my favour.

Amirah must've noticed my dull expression as she patted my back gently.
"Oh yeah, I'm sorry...I got carried away a little. But don't worry I'm sure your finance is everything you desired." She purred softly.

I scoffed at this. "He is far away from anything I desire....he's a rich snob who thinks the whole world revolves around him and treats everyone like his slave. If it wasn't for my dad I would've never said yes to the proposal." I just found myself ranting about it.

"Oh babe, you know you could've said no." She comforted me.
"Yes I know but I didn't wanted to disappoint my dad." I forced a weak smile.
"Anyway enough of this, let's go check out the buffet. " I dropped the topic.

I won't let the misery of my life ruin my best day.
Or let Abdul Razzaq Ozturk ruin it.

I was having the best time of my life as we danced, ate and sang our hearts out until I spotted my dad's car outside the gate.

I went closer to get a decent look and saw my parents getting out of the car in a horrified tensed expression.

They quickly marched upto me as the sweat was railing down their foreheads.
"Mom? Dad? What are you doing here? I thought you would pick me up after an hour." I asked tensely.

"Oh dear, it's Aesira Hatun!...she suddenly collapsed and they took her to the hospital. We need to go there!" My mom trembled as the words came out of her mouth.

"Ya Allah hope she's okay, let's go." I said feeling devastated.
I cannot believe this is happening.
Aesira Hatun is like a grandmother to me though we're not related.

She and my dad are business associates since 15 years and have formed family like relationship with each other.
Oh and did I mentioned that she's the grandmother of my fiance Abdul Razzaq?

I quickly sat in the back seat of the car without even saying goodbye to my friends.
But my mind was only stuck at the thought of her being okay.

Our families are very friendly with each other.
It doesn't feel like we're not related to each other as we used to spend a lot of time together when I was a kid.
And since then Abdul Razzaq was a menace.

He always gave me a cold shoulder and never smiled at me once when we were kids.

One time when I was 5 we went to a family vacation together and while I was running in the garden I tripped and fell.

As I looked up, Abdul Razzaq was standing in front of me, I thought he would help me up but instead he skipped past me and ignored me if I was a random leaf on the ground.

I literally hated this guy ever since. But when my father came and asked me if I would marry him just a year ago I couldn't say no because......I don't know....I couldn't.

Maybe it's because I didn't wanted to disappoint him or maybe I was just afraid of the consequences.

We finally reached the hospital and my dad swung opened the door of the room in which she was held in.

And I was surprised to see Abdul Razzaq and his family already being there.
Of course he's here....she's his grandmother.

I gulped at the sight of him. When the heck did he get so....breathtaking.
He has this dreamy ocean blue eyes with perfectly silky dark hair that reached his neck and his sharp jawline.

And he looked ridiculously gorgeous in arabic attire.
What no! No no no!
He's evil and bad and absolutely good for nothing snob.
So what if he's good looking, he's still that grumpy jerk.

He glanced towards me and our eyes met and my heart skipped a beat.
I quickly looked away and my eyes shifted to Aesira Hatun laying on bed with dozen machines around her with wires attached to her body.

"Aesira Hatun, are you okay? What happened?" My dad inquired tensely.
"It's a heart attack. The doctors said that if she doesn't recover......she only has 6 months to live." Mrs. Zohra Ozturk AKA my future mother in law informed as she whispered with tears in her eyes.

"May Allah make this easier for you. We rushed here as soon as we found out. " my mom said as she frowned.

"R- r-Razzaq?" Aesira Hatun stuttered weakly.
"I'm here grandma don't worry. " Abdul Razzaq bent on his knees and kissed her hand gently.
He looked so vulnerable as if he's totally a different person.

Aesira Hatun glanced at me with her halfly opened eyes.
"Kizim....Kulsum..." she called me with all the little strength.
P.S kizim means daughter in Turkish.

I went to her bedside opposite of where Razzaq was and held her hand, and I couldn't hold back my tears.

She has been there for me and treated me like her own granddaughter for years.
And I loved her dearly.

She gathered all her strengths and spoke again.
"My dear children...I don't have much time. I know I'll be gone soon."
"Anne what are you saying?" Mr. Alparslan Ozturk AKA my future father in law spoke up with tears stung in his eyes.

"I know.....but don't worry...I'm satisfied with all of you and hope you are with me too....but I only want to witness the last thing before I'm called back to Allah."
She said with all the little strength in her and her voice sounded so weak.

"Please don't strain yourself.....relax." My dad interrupted as he comforted her.
"I wish to see my eldest grandson Abdul Razzaq and Kulsum get married......I know I don't have much time, therefore your wedding will take place today itself."

Her words were slow and vulnerable but it sent thousands of speare in my heart breaking it into millions of pieces.

I'm going to marry Abdul Razzaq today??

I thought I had a lot of time but no this is happening TODAY ITSELF!

I thought I had much time for this marriage. I had so many dreams and ambitions.

Now everything is relying upon my marriage. But then again, I looked at my parents and then at Aesira Hatun.

I cannot disappoint them! I have a duty and I'm willing to do it even if my heart aches.

I knew I had to do it. This was gonna happen one day anyway.

I accepted my fate the way it is. I just trusted Allah SWT and I knew whatever is happening it's from him.

I reminded myself that my Allah has a plan for me and I'm sure it's the best for me.

Indeed Allah is the best planner.

I closed my eyes as I gulped and tried to process.

I just knew one life will never be the same from now on.

Heyy guys!!
Hope you like this very first chapter.

If you did please vote and comment.
And suggestions and feedbacks are always welcome.

Also if you want spoilers and reels about Abdul Razzaq and Kulsum please follow my Instagram account.

Instagram user- moonstone_booklover

Love ya all

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