Chapter 24__First Hug

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Kulsum's POV-

It was 7 am as I prayed my morning salah feeling anxious about what's gonna happen today.

Yesterday Abdul Razzaq saved me but this cannot go on forever, I need to apologise to my parents, afterall they're my parents.

I made my way towards my room and knocked on the door.

In an instant my mom opened the door and I stepped inside to witness my father already there waiting for me.

Suddenly both of them pulled me towards them and hugged me tightly.

I was in immense shock, I was so sure they would be fuming with anger, but instead they hugged me.

They pulled away after a while as tears stung their eyes. I won't lie but I desperately needed that hug.

It's the first time my parents ever hugged me. I was yearning for it my whole life.

"Wha-what happened?" I appealed. "We're really sorry my daughter." My mom sobbed as she wiped her tears.

"What? What for?" I asked confusingly. "All our lives, we chased money like a bloddy tosser forgetting the most precious treasure of our lives. You!.....please forgive us." She cried harder.

"It's true. I worked so hard to give us a better life that I couldn't give you my time. I'm a horrible father. I always kept you away from your dreams and forced my decisions on you. I'm extremely sorry." He lowered his gaze as he continued crying.

I am utterly confused. This is too much to process, and seeing them like this? It's so unusual.

But seeing them like this made my heart melt like butter.

"No dad, you're an amazing father, you always cared about my wellbeing. You just didn't wanted me to chase falsehood. Yes, your ways were wrong but I love you both so much."

I gave them a bear hug. I just wanted that to last till eternity. I'm glad they understood, I cannot be more grateful to Allah.

"And for the record, I don't regret marrying Abdul Razzaq, not even one bit. If you guys hadn't forced me to marry him, I wouldn't have married him. Though it was wrong......I'm glad it happened. I knew you were doing it for my own benefit."

I smiled widely as my mom kissed my cheek and my dad pecked my forehead.

The next few days were like heaven. I filled them with all my life stories as they did the same.

My relationship with my parents just kept getting better and I couldn't be happier and it's all thanks to Razzaq.

I don't know what I'd done without him. Truly what Allah does is for our own benefit.

Abdul Razzaq's POV-

For the past few days, things had been going smooth and excellent. Kulsum and her parent's relationship mended and so did our relationship.

It was quite late at night as I entered the house after a long and whacked day.

I entered my room and spotted Kulsum near the dresser.

But what I witnessed next, shook my world to it's core. Never in my life I thought I'd be witnessing this.

She was standing in front of the dressing mirror first time without her hijab.

I was so enchanted and captivated by her long wavy beach curls hair that reached her hips, with a brilliant shade of reddish brown.

She suddenly spotted me as she gasped and her eyes widened in dismay.

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