His Name

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It's so weird, isn't it? One second you are smiling, talking, living your life. The other, someone mentions his name and everything changes. Your smile drops and you stop talking. Everything stops, and you even start doubting your own existence. You know you have to keep a straight face, but deep inside it's a hurricane. But it's just a name. You wonder why you're reacting this way. A name. His name--but just a name.

But I know why. I know why the mere mention of his name makes you feel so dead inside, or completely alive.

You idealize his name. His name is the first thing you learn of him, and you keep it with you. His name represents him, and is the most beautiful name for you. His name holds your best dreams, and sometimes your worst nightmares. His name is the way he kisses you, and the way he looks at you from afar. His name is your happiness and your misery. His name is the word you can't say anymore without feeling physically ill.

Because his name isn't yours anymore. It's hers.

And it hurts.

Like a bitch.

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