chapter 1

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life is hell right now, if I had to describe it. I mean I'm sitting like a pathetic little loser in my room, glued to my phone. I have been for the past hour. I don't see the point in getting up anymore.

I hate everything about my life right now. Nothing exciting it going on , and everything is falling apart, but not for anyone else , just for me and my sensitive little ass. And my step father definitely doesn't help.
Infact he's the reason my life is , hell.

Ever since my mother and father divorced, life just hasn't been the same. From what I gathered, their relationship came to a brutal end, everything came crashing down like a nasty avalanche, causing a domino effect on everything.

The start of it, my father disappearing off the face of the earth. I loved my father dearly, I was close with him and felt that he understood me like no other man could. After the divorce however, as much as he didn't want to, he packed his bags and fucked off just around two years ago. Id be lying if I said I wasn't slightly disappointed in him. I mean, he was leaving me and my mother alone. But little did I know, not for long.

Just weeks after my fathers departure, my mother rocked up to our family home with a new man. I can't lie, when I was first faced with him I was intimidated. He was built, strong , muscular and towered tremendously over me. He looked down on me as if I was a piece of shit on his shoe. That was when my mother wasn't around.

When my mother was in his presents, he'd be oh so nice to be, smiling constantly and asking me questions attempting to 'get to know me' which disturbed me. When my mum left, he'd give me dirty stares, and constantly looking at me like I was some monster. He made me feel small and I instantly got a sick feeling to my stomach. Something about this guy is wrong.

Around a month into their relationship, I had learnt the guys name, it was derek. And I can't lie it does sound like the same of a strange serial killer, a serious creep. As much as I didn't like this guy, my mother was in love, long gone. Even if I told her my worries, it was too late to pull her out of it all.

Four months into their relationship, and I noticed derek and my mother were becoming more and more serious. It was then my mother pulled me for a chat, and told me how she'd like for me to call derek my stepfather. The thought of calling him that made me feel physically ill, but I agreed to call him it for her sake.

Somehow after the chat with my mother, dereks whole attitude towards me changed , negatively.
He became more controlling, suddenly more involved in my life and in what I was doing. He'd make snarky comments like if I was going out with a boy, who was just a friend. One time, he called me a little slut and I should stop going out with boys. But they're literally just friends?

Annoyingly, things didn't stop and I couldnt take it anymore. He was now constantly confronting me rather aggressively and quite frankly I couldn't take it anymore. So now it was my turn to do the confronting. 

I remember I ran down to the kitchen, and seen him smoking weed, he does it behind my mums back and she still hasn't caught on, I don't know how he fucking reeks.

I leaned against the fridge and told him straight up to keep his nose out of my business, and to stop calling me names as I felt uncomfortable.

He placed down his cigarette and put it in his dirty ash tray, walking over to me with anger written all over his face.

He began charging at me and picked me up by the neck of my crew neck jumper, pinning me against the fridge, huffing and breathing loudly in absolute annoyance.

Through gritted teeth, he called me a pathetic fucking slag and that if I ever, ever spoke to him like that again I'd be dead. And it wasn't a threat it was a promise.

Due to him holding me by neck, chocking noise came from my mouth, my eyes felt as though they could burst out it was that bad. He clearly noticed and to finish me off, he launched a fist right across my face, dropping me from high on the fridge to down onto the hard floor. I felt weak and fragile, instantly collapsing unable to move.

He told me to not tell my mother or he'd kill me. Eventually I got up and made my way to my bedroom where I cried and cried till I eventually fell asleep. Weirdly I thought that'd be the first and last time derek would be vicious. Well I'd be very wrong.

For the next year and half he continued to abuse me, physically and verbally. Punching, kicking , spitting, slut shaming and even sometimes, touching me in places I didn't want to be tocuhed. And somehow , my mother was still clueless.

I find it all bizarre, if only my father hadn't left, what if he stayed? Because now I have this ass hole I have to live with, and I can't tell anyone what he does to me. It's a hard secret to keep but I think I'm managing.

Now, present day I'm applying my Charlotte tilbury blush i got last Christmas so nearly a year ago. How's it that time again?

Christmas used to be my favourite time of year, but definitely not now. It was so good with my father and mother. Before, everything went completely awful and my mum put herself in an official position that she didn't even know she was in. She thought she had this perfect hunk, she seen no wrong in him. But boy was she wrong.

I throw on my black jacket and make my way it the front door , desperate to get away from this place. I have no plans just go see the Christmas lights switch on at the Christmas markets.

Suddenly , I'm pulled back as my hair is aggressively yanked. I scream at dereks action. He puts his hand over my mouth and tells me to get a grip. "there there princess" he whispered in my ear and i instantly felt uncomfortable as he ran his hands across my thighs.

"derek please mums in" I begged, he could do anything to me just not when my mums home.
For me interrupting he slapped my inner thighs and told me to leave, yanking my hair aggressively one more time and striking the back of my legs.

I left the house of locked up secrets behind me as tears trickled down my cheeks, I don't want to come home. I'm scared of what he could possibly do to me.

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