chapter 9

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once addy ran away up the stairs to grab her belongings, Derek tried to chase after her, unsure what her or tobis intentions were and so asked, "where is she going , why are you here a complete stranger?" he stuttered. tobi glared at Derek with a stare of death. the man just screamed of evil and had a terrifying aura. but tobi didn't let it get to him.

"doesn't matter" tobi said bluntly to the very un sober man who scoffed. "sorry that I care for my step daughter,' Derek lied through gritted teeth, tobi had to admit, he was pretty manipulative, and if addy hadn't have told tobi about what Derek does to her, he would've bought it.

"I know what you did to her, what you do to her Derek," tobi said strongly confronting the pure vile beast infront of him who he had nothing but hatred for. Dereks face instantly dropped to a face of worry and panic, now that someone knows.

Derek instantly launch's a blow to tobis stomach, causing him to wince in agony, he'd be lying if he said it didn't hurt. tobi stumbled backwards, catching himself on a wall so he didn't falter to the ground. "bet that hurt you little dick" Derek spat.

taking advantage of tobi being 'down' Derek once again attempted to climb the stairs, tobi clocked and used some strength to pull him back by his shirt and punching him in the middle of his face, causing him to fall backwards.

the foul monster was on the floor, injured, giving tobi the slight advantage for now. however in the long run, he was at a huge disadvantage. Derek was loads bigger than tobi, tougher , fatter and Derek had a raging alcohol addiction which only made him more of a threat to tobi.

tobi had to think quick, and fast to get rid of this man, not kill him but buy addy more time to grab her stuff. desperately he searched the hall, trying to find anything that could for sure knock Derek out. his eyes scanned the room, flowers , books , a mop , shoes and-

a glass vase caught his eyes. it was real and solid. sharp and deadly. enough to knock one out cold. without hesitation tobi grabbed the vase trembling and turned around, only to be met with the significantly larger man, who threw a hard fist at the boys right eye, horribly effecting tobis vision. he felt some blood down his face, tobi felt as though he could've collapsed. he'd been hit and hurt badly, needing medical help right this minute. suddenly tobis world started going dizzy and foggy. but with all the strength he had left, he picked up his right hand and smashed the vase right across Dereks face causing him to fall unconscious on the floor. shortly after, tobi followed him to the ground, faltering in agony.


oh my god, what the fuck my worst nightmare has happened. tobi is collapsed on the floor, injured and looks in severe pain. I run to his side anxiously, dropping to my knees and examine his body language and his face.

he's clutching his stomach and his eye is red and bleeding. god poor boy. I promised id keep him safe and out of trouble, I didn't. shaking, I cup his face in my hands holding it up to look at me. I watch as he vulnerably slips in and out of consciousness. "hey, hey tobs baby please, please stay awake." I begged, throughs sobs as I reached my back pocket and dialled 999, explaining the situation , although I had no clue what happened it was pretty clear Derek had caused this havoc.

I make sure to tell the paramedics that its tobi who needs the medical attention, as he is clearly the victim. they tell me they'll be here in five minutes and I sigh, this will be the longest five minutes of my life.

still stroking tobis hot cheeks I look over to my pig of a step father and can't help but gag, I didnt think it was possible but my hatred grew more for him.

"tobs, hey baby they'll be here soon, are you in pain?" I could've answered that question myself, he groans response. his groan is full of absolute anguish and it crushes my heart. seeing him in this state.

"where did he hurt you tobs" I asked him softly, hoping for an answer when suddenly soft sobs fell from his lips, "hey hey baby, please don't cry you'll be okay, we'll ll be okay" I began uncontrollably crying, I never thought id see tobi cry but he was being so vulnerable right now, trying his best to stay awake.

soon enough I figure out he was hit in his stomach and clearly aswell his eye. it was already swelling up and it was completely blood shot. thankfully I heard sirens outside, unwillingly I left tobis side to let them in and attended the 'scene' two paramedics on tobi, two on Derek. I scoffed.

I know its just their job but he doesn't deserve medical treatment. a stretcher is pulled from the ambulance, not for my step father thankfully but for my love who now had an oxygen mask on and is fully out of consciousness , a upsetting sight. the paramedic offers me a hand to join them in the van and I take it, hoping in beside tobis 'dead' body.

quickly , I call the boys to inform them tobis been hurt.

"what the fuck how?" jj speaks through the phone, confused and scared for his friend.

"by my step father" I admit

a bunch of "huhs" and "what's" are heard through the speaker of my phone.

"were going to hospital right now, he's not really in good condition but I think you guys should come over and see him" I smile through the phone and they all agree.

"praying for him and you adds, will be there shortly" jj assures me and with that I hang up the call.

tobi was rushed through the hospital doors and into the emergency room, I try to follow him in but am stopped by a doctor. he tells me to wait and that once tobis stable, ill be allowed in. I nod, no words being able to come out, tonight has definitely been one of the most horrific ones so far. the only positive I can take, I'm now sure I love tobi brown. I've never cared this much for a boy, never this much for anyone.

slowly, I crumbled into the waitng room chair and sat alone, balling my eyes out and praying to god tobi would be okay. as much as I shouldn't, I can't help but feel like this is all my fault. if we'd have never went to my house, and had just stayed in bed and cuddled, tobi wouldn't be in this fragile state.

hope you guys are enjoying

long chapter incoming....
(might take longer to write but 1000% worth the wait)

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