Chapter 2 - Shoes and teenagers

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I took a couple of breaths to try to calm down. I just had to pass by some teenagers. Next to teenagers a thousand times taller than me who if they just moved their foot would squash me like a bug.

In an attempt to calm down, I tried to take a closer look at the situation. Everyone was wearing a black sweatshirt, gray denim pants. Two were wearing black Nike Airmax Plus and another had white ones. One had red and white Nike Airmax 90s and the remaining two had black and red Nike LeBron 19s. All of them shoes that could kill me.

I took courage and took steps forward. I came out from under the castle and began to approach the swings. To calm myself down, I tried to listen to what the teenagers were talking about.

They were talking about the school. About how he hated his math and physics teacher. As I approached them they seemed to grow taller and taller. Two were sitting on the swings so I would have to pass under or near one of them since there were only two swings.

I got within half a meter of them, and one of them went next to the one sitting on the swing to the right. In doing so, he got in my way. now I had to pass through the middle of six huge teenagers. As I walked their speech changed from hating teachers to hating ( Casually ) insects. One said they disgusted him and one replied that he found it funny to step on them. Today's teenagers have fun in a strange way. I avoided listening to anything else to feel safer.

At one point, one behind me ( One of those with Nike Lebron ) moved toward the one sitting on the right swing. To do this he had to pass over me. There was no risk of being crushed but I saw him literally pass over me. I saw him as he walked normally without knowing that he had a shrunken person close within a few inches of his foot.

I could clearly see his sole and how he was resting his foot on the ground without thinking about what he was stepping on.

I arrived under one of the swings. The boy above me did not seem to be interested in the others' talk. He was instead looking at the ground. At first I thought he had seen me but then I remembered that I was too small to be seen. The boys kept moving their feet. But fortunately from after the swing to the fence on the other side there were no problems.

Arriving under the fence, I turned around to see the teenagers. One said, " Look, a stupid spider!" Saying this, he raised his foot and crushed it. Partly I felt sorry for that spider but I also felt some revenge for that spider that had tormented my life in the basement.

I turned around and left the playground behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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