Part 6

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James trying to get up from floor but he can't

He see mirror beside him,he seeing himself in it,covered with marks,bruises,belt marks,burning marks.....And eyes lifeless

He said to himself

James = Sorry....m-mama p-papa...for came in y-your life....but f-from now i promise i-i will do w-whatever they said t-to me...and i will be mute m-my v-voice for n-not disturb to a-anyone....

James get up with help of wall and start cleaning again

And there in net house,net and tutor do something in laptop

Net = tutor! I can't find anything about him

Tutor = what should we do now?

Net = ummm...idea!!

Tutor = what tell me!

Net = he came to uni today maybe he will come tomorrow also

Tutor = yeah so we can talk him!!

Net = yes i will ask him who was that uncle and why he slapped him then i confessed my feelings

Tutor = ohhoooo...romeo😏

Net smiled

Next morning🌄

Net waiting outside uni for james

Net = please i want to meet him

Net waiting 10 minutes but james didn't come

Net sighed and going to class but he see james is coming,he get very excited and happy he go to james who holding a lunch box

Net = hello cutie!

James look up and see the same guy,he get scared from yesterday torture so he trying go away from him

But net blocked his way and said why are you ignoring me cutie i want to ask you that who was that man who slapped you yesterday tell me he beating you every time like this i will complain to police

James not say anything

Net = tell me cutie i will help you

James just shook his head in no and moving his hand to side net

Net get confused he side from his way,net seeing james going to uni and gave lunch to a boy but that boy scolded him and go away

James coming out from uni net again stand infront of him

Net = cutie who is that boy and why he scolded you

James sighed and take a pen from his pocket and writing something on net hand

James finish writing,net read what he right

Phi...that man is my owner and that boy is his son and he scolded me because he is angry because his teacher scold him and please phi don't come to me again....

Net read this his heart broke to read this

Net = but it's not your mistake...and why you don't speaking

James writing something

I know phi...that's not my mistake but i used to it everyday...and i can't speak phi...

Net read this he ask b-but why yesterday you speaking to me so what happen

James write

yesterday is yesterday phi...but from now i can't speak...and please don't come to me again phi...bye

Writing this james go away from him,net read this he felt pain in heart to see him like this he want to know what's going on with him

Tears come from net eyes but he wipe it and said to himself

Net =i am not giving up my cutie i will find soon what going on with you and i challenging myself i will Save you!!

To be continued....

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