Part 34

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In home james sitting on hall waiting for p'james

Net come to him and said baby let's go to sleep na he will came

James shook his head in no and said no p'ja-mes nev-r got th-is late i ho-pe he is oka-y...

Net = he is on shoot baby he will come soon you came and sleep

James = no! I wa-nt to se-e him fi-rst!

Net sighed and said okay i am also here with you

Net mom and dad seeing both of them net mom tell to net dad "are you sure it's a good time to tell him"

Net dad = yes we have to tell him

And in forest area there is a big abandoned mansion

P'james open his eyes slowly and see where is he,p'james trying to get up but his hands cuffed back with handcuffs and a big heavy iron chain in his neck

P'james = where am i?!!

Suddenly p'james heard "you are woke up Jackson!! it's been a long time since i met you"

P'james looked at the person and said WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AND MY NAME IS JAMES!

someone = ow! Angry and have no manner to talk you are not like your brother

P'james = let me go and tell me who are you! And what are you talking about!!

someone = i am your uncle my son! I am brother of your real dad and want to know who are your real parents

P'james = tell me fast!!

Uncle = james is your real brother

P'james get shocked to listen that and said w-what are you talking about!

Uncle = i am saying the truth james is your real brother and your name is jackson your real parents named it to you and i kill parents of both of you!! I separate you from your family!!

P'james looked at him in shocked and said j-james is my own brother!!....and why the hell you do that!! What you want from us!!

Uncle = it's all because of your dad!!


P'james real name is jackson.....

Little 4year old jackson playing with his little 2year old baby brother james who laying in bed

Little Jackson = hello my cutie! You know your p'Jackson is very happy now!!

Little baby james start jumping while laying like he want to know

Little Jackson = you want to know okay i am telling you i am happy because today mama said we are going on trip! And we will do lots of fun!!

Little baby james start laughing cutely like he is also happy to see his big brother happy

Little Jackson = oh my god! My cutie smile is very precious to me!!

Little Jackson playing with baby james while jack came

Jack = hello Jackson!

Little Jackson rolled his eyes and said why you came here!!

Jack = i want to play with james too!


Jack = why are you saying like that i just want to play!

Little Jackson = last time you hit him and you already know what i did when you did that and now don't come near him!!

Jack = you are mean!

Little jackson = yeah i am mean i am selfish because i love my brother and now get out shuu!!

Jack go with a annoying face

Little Jackson look at his baby brother who is looking very happy and dancing

Little Jackson giggled and said you are happy my cutie! don't worry i will never let him do anything to you! You are my little life!

And here uncle fighting with james dad

Uncle = i am telling you It's not right!!

James dad = i know what i have to do you don't have to tell me

Saying that james dad go out of his cabin

Uncle grinned his teeth and said you insulted me!

Jack come to his dad and said dad! You know Jackson get out me of his house!

Uncle look at his son and said don't worry son i will do something you go home

Jack nodded and go,uncle said to himself

Uncle = your son is also like you now see what i will do!!

On trip

Net parents,james parents,uncle parents are together in trip

Little Jackson is very happy he asked his mama

Little Jackson = mama! let's go to that place!!

James mom = okay okay! First let's go to hotel and sleep for sometime you both are tired

little Jackson nodded and they all go to hotel and go to their rooms james mom make both of them sleep and go for some walk

They are sleeping suddenly door opened someone came to him Jackson is sleeping but baby james is awaked he is looking at the person,he is moving his hands want to wake up his brother

The person covered Jackson mouth with a cloth and take him with him

Baby james start crying loudly everyone run to room but there is only james

James mom go to james and shush him,james mom see Jackson is not there

James mom = j-Jackson is not here!!

Everyone get worried and start finding him! but they can't find him

James mom crying loudly everyone trying to clam her

And here someone make Jackson lay on a lake side and it's his uncle!

Uncle = sorry Jackson but i have to do it because you are also like your dad and i don't want bastard like that again.....

He leave him here alone and go to hotel and starting fake concerns

Flashback ends~~~~~

P'james listen all of this tears coming from his eyes

P'james = you separate me from my parents and brother and y-you kill our parents and do that such things to my brother you are a monster!!

Uncle laugh and said yes i am a monster and now i will show you too!

To be continued.......

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