Chapter One: Where It All Started

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Soon to be Agent Natasha Romanoff of S.H.I.E.L.D. watched the building across the street closely, looking for the two signs that Dreykov was in the building. The soon to be ex-widow informed Agent Clint Barton of her visual, "His car is pulling up now."

When the two girls arrived at the headquarters, they got out of the car and the younger brown haired girl, Antonia, ran to find their father while the older black haired girl, Karina, looked around as she felt she was being watched. The teenager locked eyes with the redhead for a few seconds before she was running to her sister and father.

Natasha wasn't sure if Karina had saw her radio and known about was about to happen, but it didn't matter since the three of them would be dead within a matter of moments anyway. All she had to do was say the word. Then Clint would detonate the building. Those girls are just collateral damage...

"Natasha," Agent Barton spoke over the comms, "are we clear?"

"All clear," her Russian accent standing out to the man against his American accent — although she would learn to cover her accent and develop one of the West, aka the United States.

Romanoff watched as the building went up in flames and glass flew onto the street, as tears threatened to escape her eyes. Those tears slowly traveled down each side of her face as she went back to the person that brought her from America to Budapest.

Once Clint met with Natasha again, he noticed the regret in her eyes. "Hey, you did the right thing. It probably won't feel like it for a while, maybe ever, but you just saved thousands of girls from being stuck in that place."

"Right," the redhead looked around as did Barton, she finished her sentence in a quieter voice, "...thank you, Agent Barton." Right after Natasha addressed the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent, Hungarian Special Forces came storming the building they were in, so the pair escaped using a rain gutter.

"You're allowed to call me Clint you know," Hawkeye stated as they turned into an ally to try to throw off the guards after them.

"I forget- sorry," the Black Widow ran ahead of the man as they went into a subway station and climbed into an air duct.


     Medics were rushing to save the oldest daughter of the man who had cowardly hid under his desk to protect himself while Karina had rushed to protect her sister, so Antonia was not exposed to the main blast because she was shoved out of the way. The amount of pain that Karina had endured to keep her sister safe is indescribable.

Four and a half hours of surgery to repair the damage done to her back alone. Another three to remove the debris that flew into her face, neck, and chest. Her surgeon said she was incredibly lucky to be alive and not paralyzed or brain dead. Although she wasn't paralyzed, that doesn't mean she didn't come out of the incident without issues. Karina is now fully blind in her left eye, has nerve damage on her left shoulder and arm, almost complete loss of hearing in her left ear, incredible amounts of swelling, migraines, sharp pain almost everywhere on her body, and now has a chip in the back of her neck because her father deemed it necessary.

Antonia came out of the building with a a broken wrist, broken rib, and a migraine, but nothing too severe, surprisingly, considering her age and the size of the blast. After she and her father were treated, the two waited the entire time, not knowing. Dreykov didn't mind as much but tried to seem at least a little concerned since Antonia was with him. The younger Dreykov daughter was absolutely terrified for her older sister, but also eternally grateful for her protection — when their father had hid like a scared child. Of course, she was only eight at the time and did not see that yet, all the young brunette saw was a concerned and loving father. Furthermore, Karina was thirteen years old and would be fighting her trauma and nightmares for decades to come.

Since Antonia wasn't of as much use to Dreykov as her elder, she was put through the Red Room as a way of keeping her from knowing what was really going to happen to the black haired girl. Karina was also put through the program, but hers was to help her become her father's greatest weapon. The sisters were subconsciously aware of what had happened to each other but after about one decade of being under the control of Dreykov, they had ultimately forgotten what her sister looked like and/or what she was like. This caused the girls to think that they had no family — just as the Red Room had made them believe.

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