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Tae and Jm's bedroom was enveloped in a warm, intimate atmosphere. The soft light from the bedside lamp caressed their entwined bodies, casting fleeting shadows across the room. Tae, fueled by a burning desire, had positioned himself above Jm. Their eyes locked, the intensity palpable as Tae's lips crashed onto Jm's with a fervent hunger.

Passion flowed freely between them, their bodies melding together with an almost magnetic pull. Tae explored Jm's mouth, his tongue dancing sensuously, stirring sensations Jm could hardly contain. A symphony of moans escaped Jm's lips, harmonizing with the rhythmic sounds of their hungry kisses.

The heat between them grew, undeniable evidence of their desire. Jm, unable to resist the burgeoning pleasure, pressed his thighs together, feeling a delightful, tingling sensation. Moisture formed at his core, aching for release as his impatience escalated. The anticipation of feeling Tae inside him built, driving him to the edge of sanity.

Their journey to ecstasy had only just begun, but the intoxicating pleasure they would discover lay just out of reach. Their bodies intertwined, the tension building, promising an explosive climax that would leave them breathless and satiated, drenched in the sweat of their shared passion.

Tae's lips claimed Jm's once more, sealing their desire and igniting a fire that only their love could extinguish.


Jin hummed softly to himself as Chanyeol drove him back home. The comforting rhythm of the car's engine blended with Jin's tune, creating a peaceful atmosphere despite the late hour. Time slipped by unnoticed in the company of his friend, each moment a treasured memory in the making.

As the car rolled to a stop in front of Jin's house, he turned to Chanyeol with a warm smile. "Thanks for tonight. I had a great time."

Chanyeol returned the smile, his eyes reflecting the glow of the streetlights. "Anytime, Jin. Take care."

Exiting the car, Jin waved goodbye before making his way to the front door. However, he got startled when he found Jeon waiting in the living room, arms crossed and expression stern.

"Why are you so late?" Jeon's voice rang out, sharp with impatience.

Jin took a deep breath, meeting Jeon's gaze. "I lost track of time with Chanyeol. I'm sorry."

Jeon's frown softened slightly, "Okay but don't stay over time. I got worried."

Jin feels his heart quicken after hearing his husband get worried. A smile was planted on his lips, and he nodded before they bid goodbye to each other and went to their respective bedrooms.

Jin smoothed out the covers on the bed with a smile on his lips, as his mind kept wandering back to his husband. He knows he shouldn't feel like this, but his heart doesn't listen to him.


We'll see romance now, because Taehee will be out of the picture in few chapters.

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