For anybody that wanted the rest of the story

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To: any-readers-that-wanted-to-keep-reading-this-story
From: Me/Editor/The-not-owner-of-the-story

Subject: About the rest of the story

Dear readers:

The main objective of this story was to correct the grammar, syntax and vocabulary failures of the original author. Also, a side objective was shortening the chapters so it would remain being a reader-friendly story instead of the monster chapters published at

As of the date  of the last two posted chapters, the original author (Masterdude21) was making a revision of the first chapters, changing a bit the plot and correcting any other errors, thus making this publication redundant, but all the other chapters after the last one published here were pretty well done, with a very small errors-to-10Kwords-ratio.

For a few months I was considering to bill (making this a paid story) if I was going to continue with the story, after all, I wasn't going to keep providing a service for free. But that would make this good story loose readers and I don't really want to put a barrier between you and more quality OP character development.

I want to make it official that I won't be updating this edited story anymore, as I've lost interest in the original story too and to continue publishing this feels too much of a chore.

You may find the rest of the story, continuing in chapter 21 at the website

Thank you for reading down to here,


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