Sleeping Postions Part One ( Ei, Ayaka, Yae Miko, Jean and Eula)

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Ei: The goddess of eternity was a very difficult one to understand, at first it was difficult to grown accustomed to sleep on a bed again alone after all those years on the plane of Euthymia, and when Aether came around it was even more difficult to find a comfortable position, they tried everything, with her being the little spoon, then him, then trying to sleep on top of him, but it never really clicked, until they found one position that it suited them both.

They would sleep face to face, but the only part of their bodies that will be touching are each other hands, she would grab his hand to feel his warm and know that he is by her side, even though when daylight arrived she would be hugging him with all her might.

Ayaka: Spoon, definitely, she loves to be in the arms of her beloved, but sometimes he would be the little spoon as she arrived to bed a little earlier than her, but no matter what the situation is, she needs to have a lot of contact with him, as if her body wasn't wanting to let him go.

The roles depended on how busy their day was, if he went on a long adventure and returned home after she was already in bed, she would be the little spoon, on normal days the roles would stay the same, but if for some reason she needed to finish some work and he went to bed earlier, she would lay down next to him and hugging him from behind.

And in neither of the cases they would let go of each other until they both wake up.

Yae Miko: She may look like a though one, she tries to act like one, but when it comes to sleeping time (not that type of sleep, in the other one she likes to be on top) she liked to cuddle, a lot, at first she made Aether work for it, as if she didn't want to do it and only accepted for his sake, but one day that he didn't ask for it, she decided to take the initiative, as soon as the lights turned off she waited for him to say something, but as the minutes passed she grew impatient, she turned her head around and he was sound asleep.

A sigh escaped from the woman's mouth as she settled down to sleep, it was the first time since they had moved in together that he didn't insist on sleeping in each other's arms.

As the hours passed Miko just couldn't find a comfortable sleep, this was just getting ridiculous, she already managed to sleep alone before, why couldn't she do it now... It was all his fault, he made her like this so he should fix it, She moves until she ends up completely on top of the boy, with her hair resting on his shoulder, she has finally found a comfortable position.

And with that, it was Miko the one who took the initiative from that point forward, not that Aether minded.

Jean: Ah... She doesn't like to admit it, but she likes to sleep with her head on his shoulder, she doesn't have a problem with sleeping alone or with her back against his if she took so much time to go to bed because of work related stuff and he is already asleep.

The only thing is that sometimes Klee joins them in bed, the little knight when she has a nightmare or something always goes to their room, because that's where the two people (outside of her mother) that she trust the most are, she feels safe with them.

So the two of them had to get a little creative, in the end, the little girl sleeps in between them while holding their sleeves, meanwhile they look at each other's eyes as they fall asleep, maybe they weren't touching each other as usual, but this feels as warm as that.

Eula: The captain of the Reconnaissance Company of the Knights of Favonius... she may try to look tough on the outside, but behind closed doors the wall that she herself put goes down in a matter of seconds.

In the beginning of their relationship, she wasn't very keen on the idea of sleeping together, she was kind of nervous since she didn't want to take their relationship too fast and then regret it, so they came to understatement that each of them will sleep on one side of the bed, as if they were two separate beds.

But with the passing of the days she began to want to be closer to him, slowly she noticed the heat that emanated from his body in the cold nights of winter in the city of Mondstadt, then their position evolved from sleeping completely apart to at least back to back, it wasn't enough for Aether, but that should do for the time being, he didn't want to be at the receiving end of her vengeance after all.

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