Sleeping Positions Part Two (Ningguang, Keqing, Nilou, Yoimiya and Kokomi)

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Ningguang: There is always a lot of touching when she is involved, she likes to protect her things after all, and he is all hers so you may know where this is going to.

Even from the beginning of their relationship she insisted on touching him quite a lot, she is not someone who indulges in a lot of things outside of mora and her work, but when it comes to him she is really selfish.

During the day she is always making sure to mark her territory, one way or another everyone in all of Teyvat knows that he belongs to her, but at night... she can be a little too much.

Outside of their more "Private" activities, when it comes time to get into bed, even in the very beginning of their relationship she was in control, so they of course slept very close to each other, in the spoon position to be exact, but most of the time (if not all of it) she was the big spoon and he was the little spoon, even though he was a little nervous at first, he quickly realized how... soft she felt while she couldn't complain as her most valuable possession was right in front of her.

Keqing: These two tried everything, every position (for sleeping you perverts) imaginable they already tried it, but nothing worked.

Why? That wasn't very difficult to find out, Keqing hair ornaments constantly bothered Aether when they slept together very closely, when they tried the spoon her hair would get in the way of his eyes and hurt him, they thought that they already had found a position sleeping face to face, but when she moved in her sleep her hair would again poke him.

But when they almost ready to give up and sleep each on one side of the bed, they found the solution! they wanted to have each other's contact, they wanted to feel it

So one night they tried intertwining their legs, they would sleep face to face, a little further apart (for safety) than normal, but their legs would be intertwined.

They both loved it; they were both able to for the first time to sleep comfortably and together without anyone getting hurt.

Or Keqing could have untied her hair but Aether didn't have the courage to tell her, she didn't seem very keen on doing it since he told her that it looked cute on her, because as they said, the wife is always right because... happy wife, happy life.

Nilou: She is really needy with him, she's not jealous, at least not a lot, she doesn't usually give him a lot of trouble, but the only thing that she asks of him is that he needs to give her lots of love.

It doesn't matter if it's a kiss, a hug, an "I love you" or their nightly activities, she wants it all, that's the only thing that she wants from him, she doesn't need expensive gifts or food, those stuff are always welcome, but she likes the things that come from the inside, from the heart, and every time that he touches her or says cute stuff to her, she feels that she is a little more closer to her heart.

And when the time to sleep comes, she wants to have all the contact possible, she wants to feel safe in his arms, she wants to her his heartbeat all night long just to make sure he is still with her.

It wasn't very difficult to arrive to a position for them, from the first time they nuzzled into each other they both knew this was made for them, he would sleep flat on his back while Nilou rests her head against his chest, Aether will always of course have his arm around her.

To her it was as if he was protecting her even on his sleep, that even in his most vulnerable time he was thinking about her safety first, and she most definitely loved it!

Yoimiya: They don't have just one position to sleep, why? Because she moves all night long, she cannot stay still during sleep time.

At the beginning of their relationship even if it doesn't seem like it, she was really shy when it came to sleeping together, he was her first boyfriend after all and she didn't want to mess it up, but as time passed they started to get more comfortable with each other and that space between them in bed began to close.

And when they finally did it? All fear and nervousness of her went out the window, she started sleeping in every position possible, it depended on if they have done some "cardio" before or not, if they have done it she would start sleeping on top of his chest, like on top, her whole body on top of his, the of them two all sweaty completely attached, without anything separating them, but they didn't care, over time she would change positions, sleeping only with her head on his chest, she would want cuddles, she wanted to be the little spoon, the big spoon, they did every position imaginable.

But if it was a normal night (which in the case of them it wasn't normal because they seem like a couple of rabbits in heat) she would start with being the little spoon, but again, During the night, she would move around the bed without realizing it, changing one position for another, in what position would they get up? Not even the two of them could know, it was up to destiny.

Kokomi: They sleep front to front, every single night they sleep in the same position only because that's the way she likes it, of course that he doesn't complain about it.

With her workload and with her incapacity to delegate work, she is usually really tired at night and he is the only one who can make her fall asleep soundly and quickly to her and her people delight.

Although he doesn't know (He does know, but doesn't want to embarrass her) he is like a charger for her, every time that she spends even a few minutes with him, she feels as if her energy was recharging, and when they were close to each other? Even more.

So that's how they came to the conclusion in which position to sleep, to him it was nice to feel her close to him and for her it was as if she was having the best sleep of her life over and over again every single night.

The days when he was not with her were the most difficult, returning to an empty bed at night was very hard for her, she even started trying to hug a pillow but it wasn't the same, it wasn't him, so every time that he returned to Watatsumi she was always the first to look for him, she had to make up for all the lost time and energy after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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